01-20-2014, 10:00 AM
I decided to go out this afternoon and try my luck. Got to the lake and thought I had messed up. I did not know there was going to be hurricane force winds and waves about three foot. emoDoh It was tough to fish to say the least but I also wanted to see how the boat handled in rough water. Boat ran really well with not a whole lot of spray coming up over the sides. I did get a couple showers.<br /><br />The big news was I finally managed to catch a few bass and had a limit of keepers! emoDance Was not any winning stringer mind you but a limit none the less. I had five keepers, one spot at 1/8, two smaller keeper LM at 2/1 and 2/4. Then I had two other nice LM at 3/5 and 3/9. Just a little over 12 and a half pounds but considering the last time I went I did not boat a bass I was feeling pretty good about my small limit. emoBig I don&#39;t think I found much, had the five keepers on three baits. Two on a trap, two on a jig and one on the rig. The trap bass were in about 6 foot. The jig and rig bass were in about 15 foot.<br /><br />I finally got blown off the lake and moved to some calmer water to catch a few crappie. Put about 15 in the boat in about an hour. Still using the blue and chartreuse in about 15 foot dead sticking it right off the bottom. Even out of the wind it was hard to tell the bite since the wind was still moving my line and bait. emoMad Seemed like it was just getting worse so I decided to leave while things were going well.<br /><br />C-ay on the water. emoAngler Jmax