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Full Version: drumking, Nickajack tailwaters, Mixed, Jan 14, 2014, Bent Rod, Dr Phillip Gawthrop
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Bent Rod, Dr Phil, and I went to the tailwaters of Nickajack dam to fish for White Bass. All the white bass have moved to Alabama and was replaced with Alabama Smallmouth. emoBigSmile <br /><br />We never did get the 15 mph winds that were predicted. Instead, it was calm most of the time. I'm not complaining, mind you, but just letting NOAA know that they lied again. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Lures - blade baits, tail spinners, swimbaits, maribou jigs, 1 live minner by Bent Rod<br />Fish caught - 2 drum aka Alabama smallmouth, one sauger, 2 spotted bass, 1 blue catfish.<br />water temp - 46 degrees<br />Weather - sunny, warm, beautiful day for Jan 14th.<br />Water depth - 17 to 19 feet<br /><br />Fishing sucked, but fellowship and weather was great. We laughed all day. Maybe that is why we didn't catch any fish to speak of. Bent Rod caught 1 spotted bass and one sauger. Dr Phil caught a drum and a blue catfish, and I caught a spotted bass and a drum. Rick claimed to have lost a catfish. He fought it for a couple of minutes and there was a lot of slime on the line when the fish got off, but since we didn't get to see the fish, Dr Phil and I determined that it was a drum. <br /> emoUpSmile emoUpSmile <br /><br />I'm going back down there when the white bass moved back from Alabama. emoBigSmile emoGeezer