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Full Version: strawberry resort a go?
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thoughts on the big resort planned to be built? Not sure how I feel about it, I just hope this private resort and costs of the new roads/bridge, isn't passed on to the tax payers in the form of new fees, which happens, private entities passing expenses along to the public by giving some kickbacks to the people in charge of approving such projects, that's my fear at least.
Where on the lake is this going to be? How big is it going to be?
south east side I believe, here's the link
It will be within a mile of the marina on the soldier creek side, and HUGE! 700+ buildings and 4500 acres if I'm not mistaken. My personal opinion is that these added buildings will not be increasing in any funds for the fishery and therefore additional costs will only be transferred on down to us as the the fisherman. The lake already receives a growing amount of pressure every year and I don't see the fishery being helped at all by increasing that exponentially at least with any chance of it being a blue ribbon fishery. Just my 2 cents worth.
This is a huge development that will change the Strawberry valley forever. According to the Tribune article, it's being built on a 7,010 acre cattle ranch and the developer's engineer, Paul Berg says, "It will be clustered so that we have 95 percent open space".

That would mean the 814 residential properties, 10 lodges, 400,000 square feet of commercial space, and 148 RV pads would be located on about 375 acres of ground. Go figure![Wink] Then there is a matter of building a bypass bridge below the Soldier Creek Dam that is estimated to cost $3 million dollars. I wonder where that money will come from? You think that Strawberry is busy now, wait until this project is completed.
WOW never thought I would live to see that type of development in strawberry valley. No support from me, damn the wild places keep getting tamed!!! WOW nothing more to say.
The demand won't begin to support anything that big for many decades if ever. Somebody is dreaming. Sure they can build some but this is just fantasy land stupidity. The commercial square feet is about 60% of what City Creek Mall in downtown SLC is. Like they're ever be enough people shopping and doing business to support that. Very few would ever drive there just to shop and they're aren't going to be enough jobs close enough to have enough people around all the time to support that. Isn't like the little development up there is even full most of the time now anyways. My best guess is that they're looking for very stupid investors to get rich off of knowing this won't work out any thing close to the scale they're peddling. Probable will end up in bankruptcy after they loot some greedy fools.
It kind of reminds you of the Elk Meadows Resort deal that went belly up a while back. They promise a lot to get approval then slowly fade into the night. All Wasatch County can see are dollar signs from expected tax revenue. Just my two cents. I need to go fishing and mellow out![Wink]
The only other explanation I have is that since the Feds don't want all this extra traffic across the road on the bridge due to security concerns they inflated plans 20 fold. They're putting a little money from each sale toward the $3 million cost of an downstream bridge. If they put some realistic numbers together it'll take 30-50 years to fund that bridge and the Feds won't give the go ahead on '"temporary" use of the road across the dam. You can beat no matter how far below their pie in the sky numbers they fall that once things are built access across the dam will never be taken away even when it becomes clear they'll never have enough money to begin to fund a downstream bridge.
I say we don't see that downstream bridge at all within 20 years unless taxpayers get stuck funding it.
Good by strawberry if this happens[mad]
More Californians and yuppy types .... Kinda like park city with lake front properties , yeah , I could see it now , some Lib will hold a Lib event there and all the Libs will show up.... Then they will complain of trashy fisherman and trashy Snowmobilers, so they close all the fun and then all you berry guys will encroach on other fisheries...... The whole state will be screwed

[quote cuthroat_guy]More Californians and yuppy types .... quote]

I would like to see how they handle the cold up there. Its not northern cali at all. They would freeze.....then leave[cool]
I have been following this development for a couple of years through the Strawberry Anglers Association. Jim Carter the president has been involved for a long time. This is the third group to put a plan together. They still have culinary water issues, sewage issues, water run-off problems, sediment draining in the the lake. The bridge is only one of the hurtles they have to get over. The road from Hwy 40 to the marina wasn't built for lots of traffic and will have to be upgraded.
I personally think it's a pie-in-the-sky idea but I fear the country commissioner will get the wool pulled over their eyes.
Strawberry Anglers meets every 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the DWR building on about 1600 west North Temple. Come to our meeting and let you voices be heard. Jim Carter has attended most all of the county meetings regarding this development and can give some great insight.

I saw lots for sale back in the 90s on this. Called and they said they had not received permits for sewer, water, roads etc. For $10,000 you could reserve the right to be at the top of the list when everything got approved. All these years later nothing has ever came of the numerous plans floated on this ground. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Whoa, that's huge!

Bumer to hear.[mad]