Hey guys! New to the site.. I'm curious how the ice is up at strawberry/ solider creek? I know the ice is practically off of starvation. Also how's the fishing report looking for strawberry? Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the site!
I fished the Soldier Creek side yesterday. The ice was plenty thick, measuring at least 10 inches. As for the fishing, it was the slowest day I've had in a long time. We iced only a couple of rainbows. There was plenty of fish early in the morning, they just weren't interested in anything we put in front of their faces.
Good luck and let us know how you do!
Get away from the people and the crowds if you can. We have been fishing the meadows via snow mobiles and 4 wheelers all season. On Friday with the slush in the meadows,the two on snowmobiles didn't think we could make it on 4 our wheelers. So, we fished between Haws Point and the old Damn site. Fishing was been good. White tubes, paddlebugs (white or chartruse) have been fishing good for me. When the fishing slowed down and the fish just wanted to look (as seen on my flasher), I switch to a small ice fly (chartruse and orange) and started getting them again. I have found success tipping my jigs with waxies.
Oh, and welcome to the site!