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I haven't heard much info about PaliSades lately. I am planning on heading that way this weekend and was wondering if anyone has any report on the ice conditions?I am hoping with this recent cold weather the ice should be decent. Thanks.
On Monday at Blowout I caught one 14" rainbow from 11 to 2:30 and only heard of a couple other caught out of the 10 or so by the ramp. There were a couple closer to the middle and someone who went to the far side of the lake. Then to big elk Creek until dark . Caught a 15" and broke one off that felt like the line had a bad spot when I set the hook. 15" of ice at blowout and about he same Big elk creek. 10" of clear ice and 5 "of hard frozen snow and slush.
Two of the groups that I talked to had not fished there before. They went to Ririe and found open water .
Were you able to walk on at blowout or were you on a machine? How are the edges? How much of a hike is it at blowout to actually get on the ice?
The edges were good and easy to step on to the ice. Maybe a foot that was soft.It looked like 3 or so feet have frozen since the last snow . I am guessing a 200 yard walk. I walked part way down then went left and was in 18 fow. Those out from the ramp said they were in 11 fow.