The reservoir is not safe for ice fishing and not that good for watercraft either. I fished Starvation Reservoir yesterday in my tube. I wanted to hit Rabbit Gulch but it was still pretty much covered with ice. There is a lot of open water around the Hiway 40 bridge. I ended up going to the State Park boat ramp and launching there. There was some skim ice that I had to push through but there was a lot of open water as you can see from some of the pictures. I used a fast sinking (#7) line with a size 4 bead head tan/green/pearl crystal bugger. I only caught two rainbows and had three other fish on in 5 1/2 hous of fishing. The water temperature was 35 degrees and the visibility in the water was about 15'. The reservoir level is 5,706' (88.6% full) and rising slowly. There is a lot of open shore line for bank fishermen but with the cold night temps you get the skim ice that doesn't go away until afternoon. Great day fishing, slow day catching.[fishin]
Thanks for the update. The weather looked beautiful--maybe some early signs of spring?
That is amazing how fast the reservoir filled!
I fished it right before Thanksgiving and there was not near that amount of water.
As much as I would like it to be spring… we need some snow! Hope there's a bunch coming so we can fill the rivers and reservoirs this year.
Starvation and Currant Creek are about the only reservoirs in Utah that are over 80% full right now. We have several other popular fishing spots that are below 50% full and some really low, like Scofield @ 22% capacity. We do need some storms to move through and bail us out or we are going to be in trouble.
Hey gofish can you get a boat to the island that sits west of the state park my buddy fell threw the ice over there and we got some things to get off the island
I would think that you probably can but I didn't go around the point on the west end of the State Park to see if the water was open to the island. I'm assuming you mean the one south and west of Indian Bay. The cold night time temperatures keep putting new ice on and if the wind comes up who knows where some of that ice will end up. Sorry I'm not much help. Good luck with retrieving your gear.
Do you know anyone with an airboat to help you out?
If you call the guys in the UtahAirboat Association they may have someone to help you out, they live for stuff like this.
Thanks for the info we didn't leave anything to important out there
Like has been said, there is still a lot of ice drifting around and forming over night. Here are a few photos I took today at the mouth of Indain Bay and of the main boat launch area from the Mountain View Campground.
We have had calm and colder nights and the ice has been slowly building over the last couple of days.[cool]
Mouth of Indain Bay. There is a lot of open water including up to the north end of the island.
[inline IndianBay.JPG]