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I've noticed a marked slowdown at Strawberry the last week or two at the Marina and other spots where the crowds are. I was at the Marina on Monday and I didn't see anyone catching in the afternoon. Myself and others I've talked to have still had success getting away from the crowds with snowmobiles or wheelers. Just curious if anyone else has noticed the same slowdown. If so, do you attribute it more to the fishing pressure at those crowded spots or you just consider this a slow patch.
Its nothing new. We see this happen every year. It can't be surprising. I was up there too on Monday. Did you hear how much noise that dude with the airboat made as he headed out of the marina?
Yeah, no kidding about the airboat! He was there on Saturday too and I thought I was at the Salt Lake Airport.
The problem is not just one air boat,, its everyone and there dog on sleds, four wheelers, snowmobiles, and power augers. Not to mention all the kids that get bored and start running around. The boat didn't help either, but when he's left the area the noise is gone, and the next noise maker has their turn. If you think he was bad wait till Feb. 1, there will be a bunch of air boats getting out on a big get together [cool]
[bobSad] I'm pretty sure an airboat didn't scare ur fish off but if u think it was loud then just wait for the 1st of feb. Wink there is a big group of them going up to scare off ur fish!
I was at the Ladders on Monday and it was slow there too. No airboat at the Ladders but I did see it as I was going down Parleys Canyon that evening.
Everyone is commenting on the airboat. As was mentioned, it is a lot more than the airboat. On Monday, there was a fleet of snowmobiles and several ATV's, all heading out from the marina through the morning. The airboat was definitely the loudest, but they all add up. It has to have a cumulative effect. (I think I'd avoid the marina on the first too.)

What also needs to be said is if you can ride or hike (as we did) away from the marina circus and hordes of people, you still have a decent chance. We did fine on Monday.
I was out there Sunday not far from the Marin and iced 45, the fish are there they just aren't as active good luck fellas.