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Seeing all of these pike being caught makes me want to give it a try. Never have fished for pike nor at Yuba. Can anyone give me some advice on a starting location to fish, how deep of water and what I might want to use for tackle? Not asking for any secret spots or weapons. You all using steel leader? I know there is pike and sounds like a few perch left. What are some other possible catches? How are the ice conditions any snow on the ice?

Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Ice is 12 inches where we were. Not much snow on the ice. The painted rocks side worked best for me. Chubs, red side shiner, and sucker all seem to be working. I'm far from an expert but that is what worked best for me.
You will want to look for any where from 15' to 26' FOW. I found dead sticking didn't do much but active jigging will cause them to strike.
You will want steel leader, I never leave for yuba without it. Can't go wrong with fish meat.

There are tons of carp in there.