thursday is the ice seminar,sat.20th ice fishing.
I know alot of guys are going to walk on water this weekend. I need to know a place close by that will have a safe thickness of ice on it and the fishing will be good. I am thinking lost creek for trout, Echo for perch and trout,utah lake for white bass, pineview for perch.prefer trout to teach with.
would like the ice thicker than 4"
I know we have scofield,woodruff,huntington. would like it closer.
so keep the posts coming.
lost creek, echo, maybe rockport ? i think utah lake is out of the question no hard water theres always causey oh another thing is the gate at lost creek open ?
Whatever you do don't schedule it for Sulphur Creek, just a few miles from my house. I'd hate to have someone show me how to catch something there through the ice. I figured out how to catch small ones while trolling this summer and being able to catch fish in the winter would be too much for me to handle.
Lost creek would be the best place but I haven't heard of anyone that has been there lately. Anyone out there been to lost creek in the last few weeks. WH2
I agree Lost Creek would be the place to go. Even if the gate isn't open, it is a hike but not that bad.One time last year we caught 213 fish between 3 of us. It was non stop action.Haven't been there yet this year.
Okay, okay, I may not make either the seminar or the actual fishing but I'll try my best to get up to Lost Creek on Tuesday and let you know how it is. I may even drill a hole or two if possible but some company would sure be nice. I'd hate to sink and swim (wade?) all by myself.[unsure]
I get off at 3 AM, I'll go. The ice is probably marginal right now. You know I'm game if you are. I have to be back at work at 3 PM so it will only be a half dayer for me. Remember IFG's rule #23, the fat guy goes out first. You should have nothing to worry about. You get to hold the rope, and no, it's not tied around my neck.
I'll have a few hours on Tuesday morning. What time are you thinking? I need to be back in Salt Lake by noon.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's Fat ..." uh, never mind. Tues. AM will probably work. FishingWaters would like to tag along but can't make it until after noon. We can come up with a good story for him...uh oh, does he read these posts on a regular basis?[laugh]
How's 7 AM at the lake grab you. I've gotta get a few hours sleep. The taxpayers are counting on me. No way is lake safe for snowmachines so were walkin if the gates are closed. If not, I can make it to the dam, trust me. We can meet along the way depending on where your coming from. I live on Hill and will be going up 84. Let me know if your in. Mr'LPR and I are discussing the game plan. Lost Creek at first ice, it used to be somebody. Still is, except they ain't 16" anymore.
I'll be coming up I-80. I've never been to Lost Creek. Would you just want to meet at the Croyton (that's what it's called isn't it?) turnoff? I'm in a two wheel drive car, can that make it up to the gate? I'll need to leave by about 11 to make it back down by noon. Maybe I should try to get my car all the way up just so you don't have to leave early on my account?
Let's meet at the exit at 7:00. You can park your car at the cement plant. Or, if you'd rather, come up the road to the gate. The road is most always plowed to just before the gate. If the gate is open, the road won't be plowed, we'll take the Jeep, it will make it or I will kill it trying. Chuck your stuff in my Jeep and we'll go from there. Don't bring too much (ice tents) since it's only a Jeep. I'll get you back to your car by 11. MrLPR, is this cool with you? This was your idea afterall. We'd have to leave Layton around 6 to make this happen.
Hey, IFG, I PM'd you. This is all fine. I read the PM before the post. I'll contact you (hopefully) so maybe we can ride up together. I don't want you nodding off and missing a curve somewhere.[shocked]
Thanks for checking out the waters for me guys.
I agree with lost creek if the ice is thick enough it would be the best.
while you guys are up there keep an eye on how the parking situation will be. hiking a little hill never hurt anybody.
I just heard from someone that was up at Lost Creek on Friday. Ice was forming around the edges and there was still open water in the center. What Ice was there was not very thick. He also said the gate was open.
Driving past Strawberry this weekend, the bay on the Soldier Creek side right by I-40 was frozen solid with many ice walkers on it. Quite a bit of ice actually, never went down to check, had other agendas. The main body of straw berry looking out from the Ladders, was wide open and not even thinking of icing over yet. Over by CO-OP creek and the islands was getting a pretty good cap on it and should be in my opinion be good to go by next weekend. I wanted to go over by strawberry bay, but didnt. But would imagine it is in the same shape as by the islands. Looking over toward Mud Creek it looked like a few more days and it will be good for ice too. Current Creek and Red Creek reserviors were frozen solid, with a few ice guys on them this weekend!!!
I would love to take them to soldier creek.
The area I am talking about is right there, by the turn off heading for the dam and aspen grove off of I-40. There was quite a few people there yesterday morning. DIdnt check ice depth, but there was a good amount of ice in that area. Never fished that part, so dont know how good it is. But in the summer I see alot of people there.
I did last year 1st ice and had a good time.
Even though closer is more conveinient, we'll probably have to drive a little further for safe ice. Soldier creek or Scofield would be my suggestion. Let me know where you decide so I can try to make it..