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Full Version: Bear Lake "report"
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When I headed out today it was raining like a S.O.B. headed over to Cache Valley hooked up with the Id.Native and off we went ,snow packed and slick canyon but hey were headed to the best fishin' hole on this side of the Gorge so who cares what the weather is doing!!

We launched on the beach south of the Rockpile and head out water was nice and calm untill we got the boat in the water[Sad],headed for Gusse's point 75'marked a few and started jiggin it was a slow start I think Id.Native had a few bumps but no hook ups. After an hour or so we moved west about 50 yrds. 78' and I was not long the I.N. was hooked up!! He had cought 3 fish before I even got a bite!! "I borrowed a couple of marshmellows" then I started to catch a couple[Wink]

It was a guppy fest today with the biggest going 3#.We boated 8 fish and missed at least that many more,kept 2 cutts for the frying pan.Most were cought on white pearl 5"tubes and the others were on green .Waves were big and the wind blew the whole time,but can't complain when your with good company and your catchin'a few!!M.H.
Too bad we didn't have any good enough for a picture. You just can't waste a good picture on a little guppy....LOL
You guys sure are brave to go out in the wind like that, how big did the waves get? Sounds like the same day we had on Friday but we waited it out with the cutts biting every once in a while, finally around 2pm the macks came out to play.
Idaho Native- do you ever fish Blackfoot in Idaho, do you know if it has ice yet? WH2
I have not fished Blackfoot Reservior in years. I know they have had low water for a few years now and have difficulty getting boats on. I could call my sister who lives in Soda Springs and find out.
Wiperslayer wants to make a trip up there when it freezes, so if you could get a report from your sister that would be great. Do you know how far it is from Soda Springs to Blackfoot? Thanks. WH2
I will call her this week and let you know. I will be up that way around Christmas and may check it out myself and let you know