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Finished work on Tuesday at noon wanted to go fish so I went to this spot for the afternoon bite with two friends . Fishing was the usually slow but landed 3 nice ones 21, 20 then my friend kept the bow jus under 15.
We had a few missed bites each an then I lost a toad of a cutty right before the ice !Jus horsin him to hard I guess .. left at 430

Then Thursday I went to another spot in the evening an thus place has been always skunky for me on size . I always catch small bows never big browns cutts or tigers anymore wish they would do something on the regs here. But finally I landed this nice 21 inch fatty [fishon] only landed the one an missed some kokes suspended from 10 - 20 fow . Once again left at 430

Here's the pics they should give up where lol
Great report, looks like your patience paid off.[cool]
Nice work on the tigers. I haven't seen very many come from that first place. I don't think regulations need to be changed for the second place. I caught a 6 or 7 lb tiger form there last dec. It's still swimming. They just have lots of small fish available for them to eat, so they are harder to catch. I've fished other places with a similar situation. Not a lot of people catch trout from there under the ice, so size regulations is not really necessary.
Great looking tigers!
Did you kill all those fish?
ive been to the lake in the first pic nine times this year and yet to catch a tiger. still willing to go back for more tho. ive caught plenty of busters but no tigers. nice fish!
[quote harlin]Nice work on the tigers. I haven't seen very many come from that first place. I don't think regulations need to be changed for the second place. I caught a 6 or 7 lb tiger form there last dec. It's still swimming. They just have lots of small fish available for them to eat, so they are harder to catch. I've fished other places with a similar situation. Not a lot of people catch trout from there under the ice, so size regulations is not really necessary.[/quote]Pretty sure they're all from the same lake.
100% postive they arent from the same lake
Hey thanks everyone . An no I didn't kill all those fish released all of them an kept the one tiger where there is no slot limit . Yeah I held that one by the gill but there was no blood an he swam away quickly thrashing outta my hand .

An I think they need to do something about causey res. I think it is becoming fished out . I like slot limits an believe that causey should have one since it has become such a recreational place .
There are still some huge fish in there! jus not as good .
Looks like some good time spent. What was going on with that first pic of that tiger was his jaw split or was he born like that?
Right on, nothing wrong with keeping one for the table every now and then.
Yeah it seemed to me that he was caught as a baby an someone just ripped the hook out ! cause he was all heeled up with that split looking jaw ! CRAZY ......
By the way mountain man those are nice fish from Berry
No idea where you were fishing, but those are some pretty fish caught in a beautiful setting. Just shows me even though I fish a lot, there are many new places to explore. Love ice fishing mountain lakes. Thanks for sharing the photos.
That lower jaw mutation seems to be a common problem in the Frankenstein genetic flaws of tiger trout. I caught lots of them with this defect back when I used to persue them.