02-04-2014, 08:35 PM
There will be a meeting in Kingman, AZ held by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors concerning the Willow Beach trout rearing program. All interested fishermen who want to voice their opinions and contribute important dialogue are invited to attend. Stewart Jacks, the assistant regional director of the SW region fisheries of the Division of Fish and Wildlife Service will be present at the meeting.
"[iDue to federal budget cuts, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced plans to stop raising rainbow trout for recreational fishing at Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery and instead will focus solely on work with the endangered species program beginning in 2014. The impact on the economy and the quality of life all along the Colorado River will be devastating. Mohave County is working with the USFWS to figure a way to save this vital program. Please join us on February 13th to voice your support to save the Willow Beach Hatchery’s Rainbow Trout stocking program for current anglers, and for future generations.][/i]
"[iDue to federal budget cuts, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced plans to stop raising rainbow trout for recreational fishing at Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery and instead will focus solely on work with the endangered species program beginning in 2014. The impact on the economy and the quality of life all along the Colorado River will be devastating. Mohave County is working with the USFWS to figure a way to save this vital program. Please join us on February 13th to voice your support to save the Willow Beach Hatchery’s Rainbow Trout stocking program for current anglers, and for future generations.][/i]