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Just got back from a trip to an old Honey Hole down in good ole Southern Utah that I haven't visited for about 14 years.

Took my daughters and my dad (his first time) and hit the hard deck. Fishing was fast and consistent. I didn't get much fishing done as it was all I could do to keep hooks baited and release fish, but it was one of my best trips EVER.

Between four poles we iced over 60 fish in 3 hours. My dad made the comment, " I see how you can get hooked on ice fishing!" I said yeah, I know what you mean.[Smile]

Attached a few pics of the awesome outing.
Nice report, and from the Smiles is looks like a success in more ways than one.[cool]
Nice report! Looks like everyone had a good time!
That's a great way to initiate your father to ice fishing! Always want newbies to catch fish, especially family.
I'm somewhat impressed. It think it is notable that you caught a brook trout from that reservoir!

congrats. Nice trip.
[quote PBH]I'm somewhat impressed. It think it is notable that you caught a brook trout from that reservoir![/quote]

We actually caught two brookies[Wink]
You should feel lucky. It takes a lot to get PBH "...somewhat impressed..." [Smile]
[quote kentofnsl]You should feel lucky. It takes a lot to get PBH "...somewhat impressed..." [Smile][/quote]

Even more-so when it comes to brook trout! But, like I said, I'm impressed. Even if they are only 12", that is impressive.

Nice job.