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Full Version: Nice fat bows are waiting on Deer creek
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That is one fat bow [sly].
Nice holdover. I heard it was quite the crowd over the weekend.
Nice looking rainbow
What are the ice conditions like there?
Nice fat carp too! My nephew pulled this one out on Saturday. It was 26 inches.
Ice is 12-14 thick. Edges were a little mushy. 6 inches of snow on top. Water comes up out of the hole and creates some slush.
Yeah, that carp looks familiar, I pulled one out of Deer Cr ice just like that one several years ago. Mighty exciting until I saw it was a carp! Fun anyway.
we went to dearr Creek yesterday my wife caught the biggest just over 22 inches I only could manage one at 20 and a half Limited up in no time all 18 plus inch fish probably cut 25 plus more fish before we decided to call it a day
Yeah, but I've seen your other reports and know for SURE you are a better fisherman than I! [Tongue]

Was there a lot of slush? How were the edges?
the edges where all soft
I still don't think carp look ugly. Nice catch Smile
I am determined to mount a bow to my toon this year for trips on UL.
I agree they are pretty[laugh] But I boat a pontoon just so I can stand and use my bow...just another way of fishing[Smile]
I'd probably be terrible at it but I'd love to learn to do that as well. Even if the fish aren't biting you'd almost always end up catching something Wink.