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Full Version: Lost tote Walleye fishing at Red Fleet
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Hey everyone,
I was up around Red Fleet Yesterday, and was wondering if anyone found a black tote with personal items it it?
PM me where you think you lost it and I may be able to swing past and see if I can find it and hold on to it for you. No guarantees but I'll see what I can do.
Sorry to hear you lost your tote but how was the fishing? We don't get many reports from Red Fleet.
we just stopped there on the way back from the Burbot Classic, it looked rotted out around the edges, we didn't get a chance to fish
Hope you find the tote. How did you do at the burbot classic?
I fished there on Friday morning and it was slow. The walleye didn't want to play and the trout were finicky making very light, quick bites. Only got a couple. We usually do pretty good there, but not this last time. Ice was 20" and the edges where I got on/off were solid.
Thanks for the report Nate. Have you ever caught eyes there through the ice?
No walleye yet. They have been very elusive to me so far. I think they are well fed so they aren't pressed to feed often. They have lots of small bluegill right now, the trout are gorged on them. Also tough to find just the right structure. I know there are some who have been finding them though.