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has anyone tried those crappie nibbles that are supposed to be more effective for panfish? someone told me that that's all they catch crappie on.. has anyone else tried it? just trying to get some more insight on them. thanks
crappie nibbles are the bomb! bass, crappie, perch, gills, carp, and trout love them! great bait
Have not heard of them, where do you get them at?
Any place that sells power bait sells them, I believe they are made by the same company.
Thanks, I'll look for them.
how do you fish with them? does it float like power bait or can you have itr on the end of a jig or ice fly as just bait??
They come as little nuggets or pellets. You can simply impale them on a small hook/jig. I like to tuck them up inside a tube bait to keep them solid longer - they "melt" off gradually in the water, probably making a scent trail.

I've had mixed results with them, but then I have mixed results with just about everything.
I was at pine view the other day with wax worms, was slow for me I tried night crawlers, cut bait etc. only got a couple of bites, the neighbors did good with crappie nuggets of some kind.
tip your bait with a nug or two and you are good to go, comes in a few colors and even glow, sportsmans carries them
thats all i use is those!!!!! i do real good off them. I go to anglers den an Lance hooks me up . they always seem to have them.
Have you found a way to refresh them? After they start getting old they get hard, I was thinking that by adding water it would help but I haven't tried it yet.
haha thats crazy you said that cause i jus did that last week week … but yes jus a couple little drops
I've added a bit of Gulp Alive liquid (you can buy it separately) and that seems to refresh them nicely. But they aren't expensive, and it would probably be just as well to toss and replace.
I can't find any of the gulp recharge liquid.... Any leads on where they are at? I have a bunch of Gulp minnows that the liquid leaked out of and I don't want to replace $50 worth of plastics.
[#0000FF]I wonder if WD40 would work.

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

They ARE mighty proud of their Gulp products.
Lol. Another use for it.
I was fishing Pineview and slaying crappie with my usual set up and remembered that I had bought some crappie glow nibbles the day before and thought I would give them a try. Put one on and had less hits. Melted off before I could land a fish.
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]I wonder if WD40 would work.

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

They ARE mighty proud of their Gulp products.

Yeah? But that's not bait!

Darnit TD - ya beat me to the punch! I was gonna suggest JUST that! Just a squirt between the cheeks and gum.

Made by Berkely - Powerbait. I did get a jar of the Gulp Alive juice, think it was from Sportsman's. But Berkley has their own juice.

Maybe if you take a schtuck of paper towel and wet it. There are humidor disks you can get at a tobacco shop that work well. I've used them on dry pipe tobacco, and freshens right up, or keeps fresh.

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I bought some awhile back and have tried them in many different situations and haven't done very well. I've caught a few, but to me fresh angle worm bits always works better. Night crawler isn't as good. Just my experience so far. I keep trying them, but really haven't done very well with them. J