Fishing Forum

Full Version: My Scofield report Sat. 12-13-2003
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I followed icefool's advice and took a kid along fishing. My little brother is now officially addicted to ice fishing, surprise, surprise. We were the third group on the ice at Scofield west of the last set of shacks on the east side and straight west of the island. We started out fishing in about 18 feet of water about 100 yards from shore. The fishing was slow but I caught three decent fish that all went back in the water. We moved in closer to the beach on the east side about 40 yards from shore and had a lot of action from then on. We caught about 40 fish between us but they were mostly 8 to 12 inchers. We did leave with seven nice fish because my brother wanted to show off what a great ice fisherman he is. The biggest fish of the day was a 16 inch two pound cutthroat. Kind of a shorty but shaped like a football. The last fish I caught was the grand prize of the day. It measured in at a whopping four inches and was smaller than a scale so I couldn't weigh it. My brother got quite the laugh out of it and I told him I was going to take it home to put in his fish tank.

All in all a good day fishing. There were lots of people at Scofield but I don't have any way of telling who is a BFT'er so I don't go roaming and asking. The fish were biting on just about anything with a worm on it. I gave my little brother a small glow in the dark green ice fly and he knocked 'em dead until he got a fish on that straightened the hook out. I used just about everything I could in my box and found that a 1 inch power nymph caught less fish but the fish I caught with it were the bigger fish and not just the little nippers. I took a couple pictures but when I tried to attach them I was told they are too big. I will try to find some time to reduce them and send them later, we'll see.

Thanks for everyone's advice on the board and enjoy the ice.
Thanks for the report fishluvr, sounds like a good day at Scofield. The catching has remained steady since it froze and there seems to be a big size difference in the fish, more smaller fish but enough big fish to keep you happy. Did it snow while you were there and how thick was the ice? WH2
The ice was between 6 and 8 inches deep. We left about 1:00 in the afternoon and we did not get any real snow by then. The wind was picking up and blowing snow around but no real snow to talk about. I was glad I had on a spring bobber because it made all the difference in the world in catching fish with the small bites we were getting. Does anybody have any ideas on ways to avoid the smaller fish so I can get the bigger fish? Also I have heard that there is a deep spot off the point just out in the opening from the inlet where the dam and the boat ramp are. Anybody familiar with this or any other good spots to fish for bigger fish at Scofield?
I've heard a few of the guys talk about catching fewer but bigger fish in the deeper water. A lot of people think, the larger the lure/bait, the bigger the fish, I agree that can work sometime but it doesn't hold true every time. The place you are talking about sounds like a good place to try, you can also look for a fishing map of the lake. WH2
hey thanks for the report. has anyone tried fishing the price river as it comes out of scofield or does anyone know if the fish are still bitting in the river. thanks. feel free to pm me with a response if you would prefer
I've always wanted to go down and flyfish there, but I was told that all of those gates meant that it was government property that was off-limits.