Does anyone know if there is a hotel at Bullfrog, or houseboat rentals? I dont want to drive the houseboat, just a place to sleep. The days will be spent fishing in my boat.
I would like to go down this weekend but dont want to put the wife in a tent.
We've stayed in the Defiance House at Bullfrog several times. It's on the hill above the ramp. In the off season like this the rates usually are reasonable and it's got a great restaurant in it too that's reasonable, or has been when we've gone. Check it out.
There used to be a hotel at Ticaboo, a few miles before you get to Bullfrog. I don't know if they're still operating.
There is the Defiance House Lodge @ Bullfrog but it think it's closed for the season. There are some housekeeping units open. that have three bedrooms. I'm not sure how much they run. Best bet would be Ticaboo Resort. it's about 10 miles from the ramp. Good Luck
p.s. beware of black cows standing in the road at night.