Did anybody lose some keys at Scofield or know of anybody that lost their keys at Scofield? I found them in the parking lot on Saturday morning early so I assume they were lost Friday or earlier. They were by the last set of shacks going south on the east side of Scofield. Let me know if you know who is missing keys.
I don't want to hijack your thread, if I do sorry.
I've always wondered if a guy should just leave keys where you found 'em. Think about it, when I lose keys where do I try to find them? I go back to where I have been. At the same time I wonder, who is going to pick them up and try and find the owner if I don't pick them up. So what do you guys think leave 'em or pick 'em up?
Hi icthys,
I see your point and in the summer or spring you might be right.. However, those keys may have been the needle in the hay stack. The owner may go back to the area to find them but with new snow flying etc. it makes his chances for finding them a long shot at best. I think this person did the right thing. Maybe they should contact a slc newspaper or some other kind of lost and found. You have posted a rather interesting dilema when you find something like this. It made me think. [

p.s. maybe a sign in the area you found them with your contact info. I am heading up there on friday, I would be willing to help out, PM me if interested.
In my opinion I feel they are doing the right thing. I would first look to see if the keys have one of those smiths value cards,or albersons cards on it. Cause if they do, you can just throw them in a mail box and either company will send them back to the customer. (I know from experience) I know I am a airhead at times!!! The next thing I would do, is if in a area like Scofield, I would find a ranger station or visitor center or marina store and leave them there for possible pick up. If I was looking, that is the first place I would go too. Then if that is not avail. Post on this website, and other outdoor boards that people that would visit Scofield would most likely look on!!!! Last thing, make a sign saying keys found and where you left them or how to reach you.
I thought about leaving them up there but in the snow I figured it wasn't a good idea. There is nothing on the keys to help in identifying the owner. There are only three keys and they were half buried in the snow so I didn't want them to get buried further. I would rather pick up the keys myself then leave them there for some dishonest who knows what to pick them up. If nobody claims them I will just get rid of them. If anybody is heading up there and would be willing to leave a sign with this message boards internet address they can contact me that way. Better safe than sorry.
Good pts guys. Man I hate losing my keys!
I'll try to post a sign. Where exactly did you find them? Which side of "the shacks"? I'll put up a sign on my way in on Friday night.
I found the keys in the main parking area about 15 yards east of the shacks. Thanks for putting up a sign.