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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, 5th place Feb CBA, 2/22/14, Derek
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Got the crappie smell off my boat today. Wink Today the bass seemed to like it also. The weather has been getting to me on where to go and what to do. One day it is cold as heck and the next day people are in shorts. :o The bass have been just as Confused. After catching them deep on a rig about three weeks ago we thought that would be the ticket. But then the days warmed up big times and so did the water. After talking over it with Derek the day before we came up with a plan to start shallow and if the bite was not on to go deep later on in the day. We never made it to deep water. We got on a fairly decent bite. Not a lot of bites but the ones we were hooking were good fish. First one was in a ditch or a depression leading back into a spawning flat that was in about 5 foot, it was 3/1. The next one was off some stumps in four foot and it was 2/8. About thirty minutes later Derek shouts, "good fish", I get the net and in comes one 5/11. emoDance It was only in about 2 and a half foot in a little drop into four foot. We had a lull of about an hour but then I followed those up with two four pounders to give us a limit near 20 pounds. emoTongue It was 9:30 and we were feeling pretty good. We usually do not do that well in the month of Feb. so this was not normal for us. At that time we were just happy to have a limit we felt would get us some points.<br /><br />It was a while before I managed a couple more small ones that would not help. We talked to a couple other boats and they were not doing well. One boat told us they had a limit but only 16 lbs. We were starting to feel good about what we had and just hoped we would cull before the time was up. It was about 1 o'clock mid day with the sun bright overhead and Derek again said he needed the net. emoThumbsup This one had come from about seven foot and again was an area bass would be while moving back into a spawning area. It was 4/3 and culled the 2/8. No more then 15 minutes later Derek again started up with "Big fish, Big fish!". emoEek This time he brought in one right at 5 pounds even. Culled the 3/1. I will say as far as size Derek kicked my butt today. He had our three biggest fish. That gave us two fives and three fours in the well and we were feeling pretty good.<br /><br />Try as we did we never could improve on that weight. Knowing we had about 23 pounds we were hoping to get a kicker to top off our day. The kicker never came and after moving a couple more times we ran out of time. We threw cranks, jigs, chatter baits and worms today. Our best baits were cranks. Never caught a fish deeper then eight foot.<br /><br />We really thought it would take thirty or better to win and felt we might get a check but were not sure. We were surprised to come in fifth with just a hair over 23 pounds. Thanks for the company today Derek. emoToast Jmax<br /><br />Congrats to Teddy O and Brad F on the win today with 27 pounds and some change. emoWorthy