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Full Version: Porcupine ice conditions?
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Anyone been up to the pig today? How does the ice look for the weekend? Starting to fear the end may be near with the warm temps this week. Thanks J
Thinking about driving up tomorrow after work to take a look at it. I will let you know on the conditions.
Thanks that would be great if ya make it up there... I got called into work so I'm not off tomorrow to give it a try... Considering the looks of Mantua, I'm thinking it will be really scary, but I also thought it would already be over too so who knows.. Thanks again... J
Hey Jeffer- got any news on Bear River, Cutler? Has the sheet broken open yet? I've got a kitchen pass this weekend, and debating options. If you do 'da Pig, I'd be game to give it a try with ya, I have a Little Giant ladder, but not really big boards. Though that ladders kinda heavy...

I might just try for open water.

Don't know if you FB, but did I tell you about the [url ""]Cache Valley fishing group[/url]?
Cutler / BR is pretty much all open now but I haven't had a bite yet. I'm really doubting the pig will work so I'm thinking open water maybe Willard. Got to see if I'll get a kitchen pass too. Might be a little soggy. More later J
So no I'm not a big face booker, in fact I've never tried to figure it out yet, but I guess I should so I could keep up with the family and neighbors a little better, but I guess I'd rather go fish'en than spend time on the computer on my time off... Still don't know if I'll make it fishing tomorrow or not, but my addiction is driving me that direction... Working on getting my new invasive species cert so I can take the boat in case I get to go... Thinking about trying Willard or maybe Cutler to see if there are any fish left... Talk to ya later on... J
Sorry I wasn't able to get out and take a look at Porcupine today. With all this rain though I would almost say the edges are not good. I don't know if that blank would even help with all the rain we have had.
No worries, I think I have chickened out for ice for the year and it sounds like strong winds for Willard so I might stick close to home tomorrow. Good luck if you go. J
I went up and checked yesterday in a torrential downpour haha. The edges were starting to come off and i'd dare say there may be a little open water on them by now with how much rain we've been getting. But you never know. Let me know if you end up goin out! Good luck!
Thanks for your report. I think I'll stay safe and not risk it. Time to get the boat ready. Thanks again J