just a reminder to those building rods.
don't forget to wrap to the tip top.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]You read my mind James. I was wondering about that![/size][/font]
Just to puit my mind at ease you wrap right up to the metal not over it right?
that is correct
OK now that, that is settled, when putting the eyelets on it looks like some on the middle ones are all the same size how do you know where they belong being so close in size?
UncleRay is heading home to Santa Barbara for the holidays and is leaving he his jig for rod wrapping so I have something firm to work with, I plan on building one for myself during the time off and if it looks good will show it off when it comes time to flex-coat the rod.
one more reminder
wrap the top section at the ferrule were the two halfs meet.
guides go from larger to smaller starting at the cork. the guide charts with your componants tell the sizes, you are correct in that some are the same size. lay them on the table to see the difference.
on your fly rod it goes 12,10,5,4,4,3,3,3 12 being the largest.
I have a jacket that someone left from class. it is tan.