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Full Version: Anyone ocean fish in SoCal?
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Has anyone taken day trips with any outfits out of Southern California? Any recommendations or who to avoid would be appreciated. I'm looking to take my 4 boys and want them to have a good experience. Thanks
I don't, but here's a forum where you might ask:

MOD NOTE: look for Big Waters Edge.
I went out of SanDeigo from Sea Forth Landing, they did a great job for getting you onto the fish, wasn't too expensive either... Biggest complaint is I didn't know that they let everyone fish until the boat has a limit and someone else may end up catching your fish for you if you don't get busy and catch fish as fast as you can... I took a bunch of less experienced fishermen and ended up helping them so I wasn't fishing and only ended up being able to catch half my limit before the boat was full... It was fun, fast and good eats... Have fun... J
I've used several and would recommend the following...

San Diego - HMLanding was excellent. They were great with kids and I have used them several times. Many different trips, 1/2 day, 3/4 day, full day to many days.

Oceanside - Helgens was fantastic. Would go out with either of these two again....Steve
Where about in SoCal are you going to? I try and head down there once a year to the Ventura Oxnard area to visit my dad. We normally go out with Channel Islands Sportfishing. They have a bunch of boats and a couple different trips you can go on. They offer whale watching as well. My avatar picture is on one of their boats just off Anacapa Island. We were fishing for rockfish. I have a sheephead and a lingcod in that picture. That lingcod got me the jackpot that day.
I will go anywhere from Santa Barbara to San Diego.
I went out of Dana Landing last August. If you want the name of the boat, send me a message. The captain was nice enough, but even on the *few* fish we did hook, he and his "deckhand"--I say that because he was more interested in fishing himself than assisting us--would quickly take the rod out of our hands and fight the fish for a bit and let us finish catching it. This wasn't a party boat either, it was a 12hr private 4pack charter, all of us experienced fisherman. Even after the first time it happened and we expressed that we would rather lose the fish than have that happen, on our second and last fish--same thing. Also, this boat's tackle was not well kept nor user friendly.
What time of the year do you plan to go? Right now all the sport boats are targeting rockfish. If you want bottom fish your best bet is Oxnard/Ventura and north, once the water temp reaches the mid 60s the surface action gets going. Traditionally the barracuda show up along the coast in mid to late May your kids would have a blast with them. If you do decide to go out on a open party trip try to do it during the week because on weekends it can be a zoo especially if the fishing is hot. Look up www.976tuna .com it's the best site for So Cal sport fishing it's updated daily. You have lots of choices you just have to decide when you are there what landing has the best bite. Remember that some of these landing are 50 miles apart. San Diego might have a wide open bass bite where San Pedro might have a great barracuda bite going on so check out the web and go get em. Pm me if you need any more info.
Was stationed at Camp Pendleton for a few years and Helgrens in Oceanside is wonderful. Half days full days and nights, lots of species. The beach is great too. Ohrah!
You could always try surf fishing (but ya gotta dress to impress) - or even from a pier.

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