Hi everybody, i'm new to this board, and love to fish. My favorite fish to catch are largemouth bass. I know fishing is slow for bass due to cold water temps. But was wondering if anybody knows of any natural warm springs like horseshoe springs that have consistent warm water temps to keep bass active.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys.
practice selective harvest!
Welcome to the board! I'm sending you a PM with some info for you.
Welcome to the Board! Horse Shoe is definatly the best. Rock bottom to the south of there also offers some decent fishing. Blue Lakes has some bass, but not much now-a-days. It used to be killer fishing down on the Creek, but that area down in there is now U.S. Army bombing range territory. Stansburry was the best, but thats private ground now. Those are all of em I know of, but probly only half of them out there. I would suggest to stick to Horse Shoe, and fish with some dead minnows in the deep hole to the south under a bubble.
Hey jensen, I heard rumor that stansburry has been open to the public again, Just what I heard have not been able to verify it but you might want to look into it if you know DWR out there.
I wouldn't discount catching bass through the ice. I've had many 20 bass days thourght the ice with many going 14-16" and some to 20". Just find a water that offers high numbers of bass and they stay more active due to competition. I'd try lakes like Hyrum, Newton (especially when the water is higher, not this year) and Pelican. There may be other good bass lake through the ice but others would have to offer that info.
I've also pulled quite a few LMB through the ice at Utah Lake. When and if it freezes enough to safely fish it, try near structure (eg the dikes at AFBH and near the pump house). I saw an oriental gentleman get a 4 pounder once down at the pumps. It was kind of

to see it get thrown in the bucket with all of the white bass.
[cool][size 2]If you want open water fishing in the winter, and don't mind a bit of a drive, check out Blue Lake over by Wendover. It is fed by warm springs and is heavily used by divers.[/size]
[size 2]There are some decent largemouth and some big bluegills in there.[/size]
[size 2]I have no personal experience with the lake but have gotten some very favorable reports. You will have to rely on someone else to give you exact directions on finding it.[/size]
Thanks everyone for the info. I've actually fished blue lake, but it's a little to long of a drive. Has anybody ever caught anything big out of there? My favorite bass fishing spot is the I-80 pond, I landed quite a few in the four pound range this year fishing the weed edge. Never fished Utah lake for largemouths, only catfish. I've also caught a lot of largemouths out of jordanelle.
It used to be you could go out there on the creek and catch a couple of 5 pounders a trip. Since they closed that, though, nada.
Are you sure that they were largemouths you were catching at Jordanelle and not Smallmouths? I was under the impression that there are very few largemouths in Jordanelle - just the ones that accidentally get in with the smallmouth when they planted them or something like that. The smallmouth there are plentiful however. I could be wrong though.
What did you use at the I-80 pond? Did you fish from the shore or a tube or something? I'd like to give it a try next year -- I have wanted to for awhile just never got around to it.
I'm catching largemouths for sure at jordanelle, There's actually quite a few in there. You just have to fish the right spot at the right time. pm me and i'll let you know.
At the I-80 pond i'm using my float tube. it's all about plastics and timing there. pm me and i'll give you a heads up.
Selective Harvest
Hey Scartinez, where on (near)I-80 is the I-80 pond? Is it past Saltair, etc.? I've heard of it before, but don't know where it is. Sounds like a hoot. Haven't done much LMB fishing in my life, just whities, mostly.