Hey guys, looking for some intel on Sand Hollow, like when the bass are usually spawning?
A couple buddies and I are looking to take the kick boats down there for our annual man trip and I'd love to get on some spawning bucketmouths!
Also, how's the water level looking down there this year? will there be much brush for the fish to hide in?
A few on full moon in March
Most on full moon in April
What's the magic number for LMB? 64F or something?
about mid april a good time to fish for the bass at sand hollow there will be fish moveing up on beds water temp should be around 56 to 63 that time.I know the lake is about 20 feet low right now
It sounds like y'all had a wet winter down there, perhaps in a month or so the water will be up and in the brush...here's to hoping!
I'll be down there in my new pontoon boat, should be fun in any case!
SW Utah snowpack is less than 50%, worst in state by far. The weathermen said Feb was the warmest in many years and driest in many years in Wash. County. I don't remember how many years but at least 6 or 10 for both I think. Warm weather and less cold water running in and I'm betting it'll warm up quicker than usual. I'll be down in 1 week for 5-6 days. But unfortunately I will probable be lucky to get just a couple days fishing in.
it all depend how much wind we have in march and how much water they will pump out of quail to sand hollow