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Full Version: Strawberry - Soldier Creek March 5th
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Headed back to Soldier Creek since I had a good day on Monday. Arrived at 7:30 and left at 1:30 p.m. Fishing was slower today - caught 22. One sucker, 4 rainbows and the balance slot Cutts. The big fish today was a 19-inch Cutt. Used Maniac Cutterbugs all day tipped with meat. Fished was good for the first hour and slowed way down there after. Had to move once after the fish stopped moving through my area.

Saw a lot of fish, tried to take some videos with a GoPro of my Marcum screen. They are not the best - attached 2 hope they work?? Need to work on this - may need to attach the GoPro to the Marcum camera? Not sure I can remotely operate the GoPro under 23 feet of water (anybody know?)?

The sucker ended up being 2 lbs 10 oz. I have ice fished Strawberry for 25 years & this is my first sucker. Saw one other swim by off in the distance. The rainbows were 15-16 inches & weighed 1lbs 8 oz.
I mount my go pro on my downrigger ball. The battery last about 2 hr.
noway to control it when in the water. can see back about 20 ft start losing light at 50 ft deep.
To get a down rigger mount is my next project - thanks for the photos. I see you have a radiator hose clamp around the base, is that enough to keep from loosing the camera? Do you have a safety lanyard around the camera, if for nothing else other than peace of mind?
That's interesting. I've never even heard of a sucker being caught out of Strawberry. Nicely done.
There are plenty of suckers in there. Here are a couple from the summer of 2012 caught in Strawberry Bay.
i have taken many suckers over the years but the last two years the numbers have exploded i seen them number in the thousands in areas last year and they will begin to be a problem soon !!