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Full Version: is the Ice off Vernon Reservoir?
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Anyone know the ice conditions at Vernon?
I didnt think, it had enough water to for any ice this year. I read somewhere the reservoir was almost all the way drained. I could be wrong.
I had a fellow tell me they were there a week ago and the ice had pulled away from the shore about 5 feet,and there was open water in the middle.The res was really low in the fall, but there is water in it now,but Im not sure how full
I live out here and the last time I was up past there the water is about 2 feet from full. Infact, we added more riprap on the dam in order to allow filling as far as possible. It should fill with run off and all the storms we have had lately have helped out tremendously![Smile] We might even get a 2nd crop of hay![cool]

As far as being ice free, I heard it had pulled back away from shore and open water was showing at the inlet. If I get up there in the next week I will report a little better.
Nice to know that puddle has filled back up. My father in law was from out that way. Been a while since I fished there.