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Full Version: Old Pontoon boat, New setup. And what do you use for a license plate?
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Well I decided once again to put a trolling motor on my Pontoon boat. I had one on there a couple years ago but it was too much work. I got rid of that one and have regretted that decision ever since.

I had to rearrange the pole holders for the motor but I think it works. For me at least. I will get it out and test my new setup hopefully after my next days off in 5 days. If anyone has any input let me know.
My dog has to get in at least one shot too...LOL
My suggestion is one I always say. It uses less battery to Pull you. Loosen the bolt that holds the head on and turn it 180 so it is facing the same direction as the prop. Use OARS or FINs to steer. You do want to take at least one of these (oars or fins) with you. Never rely 100% on a motor.
There's not enough PVC. Just ask[#000080] [#0000ff]TubeDude[/#0000ff][/#000080] he could give you some help.
Those dogs love to get in the shot! I always take my oars just in case.

Ill give that a shot. Thanks for the tip!
I thought there may be a lack of PVC. [Tongue]
Thtat's a sweet set-up. I like it. What brand and model is your tune and how long is it?
Thanks! Ill see how well it works. Its just a wilderness pontoon I picked up from Costco. A 9 footer. Its lasted me about 3 years so far with no problems.
Nice setup, I'll bet you love it. Let me know how the offset motor works out? Seems like for a rear steer that might be a great idea. Be careful with the PVC its addicting and you'll start wanting more. Nice job. Later J
If you turn the handle it also gives you 5 speeds because you are using the forward gears.
Give it a try. You will like it.
The boat is now registered and ready to put on the water. Just as soon as I figure out what to use for license plates. Anyone have any good ideas on that? I have seen a couple toons out there with plates. What is the best thing to use?
I use plexiglass and Vinyl Siding (right size[Wink])

You want it a little over 3" wide and 20" long.
Ahhhh, I never thought of that. I tried that clear acrylic once. I had the guy at Lowes cut it. Had a heck of a time drilling holes into it. Looks like I need to make another run to Lowes.
I would save money and buy black paint and a brush. Those stickers can get expensive!
[quote flygoddess]I would save money and buy black paint and a brush. Those stickers can get expensive![/quote]

Youre not kidding! I probably should have gotten ideas first before I paid $12.00 for a bunch of number stickers then spent an hour cutting them out. [crazy]

Oh well. Live and learn!
ME TOO! I understand on a boat the stickers, but I license four other more stickers!
[quote flygoddess]ME TOO! I understand on a boat the stickers, but I license four other more stickers![/quote]

I dont blame you at all!! Id be a painting fool in that case!!
My wife is into that vinyl stuff so she printed me up a set of numbers and letters, worked well, however, I put it on a plastic tote lid I cut to size and half way through the season I lost my state sticker and had to get new ones... Need something less slick... Later J
I use plexi glass as well. Here are a couple of pics to give you an idea of what I have done in the past. Oh, Velcro and zip ties are wonderful things for attaching the plates as well.
Shower curtain rings. Cheap and big enough to fit over frames.
I think I started the Plexiglass thing way back in the 90's on my donut tube with a Power Float for the battery and motor, but the Vinyl siding makes so much more sense. Easy to work with AND fits in my side bag when transporting[Smile]
I opted for the plexiglass as well. Used black uv rated zip ties to attach to the frame, works great. My sis in law has a vinyl cutter, the vinyl hasn't offered to peel off at all. This is the same classic accessories(wilderness) boat that you have. That being said, Vinyl siding might be easier to work with and cheaper.