Hey all, Its been while since i have posted but I need a bit of help. Thinking of trying this pike on the fly thing but I have never tried it before. I have done a bit of research but was wondering if anybody had any tips or advice? It will most likely be from shore unfortunately... Thanks folks!
Well 227 views and not one comment? I guess thats why nobody comes around here anymore...
Hell Tyler, lets just plan a day and go do it. We can figure it out I am sure.
Sounds good to me. We were going to try this weekend but decided to give it a couple weeks so they can get a little more active
Next weekend is the Wasatch Fly Tying expo. After that I do have a couple of weeks before I head north for that Tying show.
I've enver caught them on a fly in Utah, but in nebraska they like the red and white streamer.