Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, 3/14/14, Alone, My new personal best bass, 12 lbs and 12 ozs.!!!(pics added)
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Well, I will say it is all because of Mr.Wiskers I was where I was doing what I was doing. So it is thanks to him I now have a new personal best Large mouth bass as of today.<br /><br />With the CBA tomorrow I was not wanting or planning to bass fish. Wiskers called me yesterday and wanted to go. I told him I would not bass fish but would crappie fish if he wanted to. I had to work some this morning so the plan was to call him when I could go. I called him about noon and he was in Knoxville at Bass Pro! emoBang He told me he still wanted to go and would be back about 3 so we could go then. I got on the water about 2 and called to see where he was on his way back. He got hung in traffic and was going to be late. emoDoh I decided I did not want to crappie fish by myself so I went to a place I did not plan to fish tomorrow or really had any idea if I would catch anything. Figured to kill a couple hours waiting for him.<br /><br />I started with a chatter bait and did not have a smell. Switched to a trap on the main lake fishing a large flat that dropped off into deeper water. The freaking wind was blowing about 40 mph and it was rough just to hold the boat there. I kept thinking there should be bass on this wind blown point right here by deep water. About that time I hung up. Got it unhung and went back out to about eight feet throwing up into about 3 foot. Bam! At first I thought it was a fish but it did not move. I actually dropped my line and started to troll over to it thinking it was hung. My line was going the other way! emoEek Tightening down on the line again I realized it was a fish. It took off and my 10 lb fluorocarbon looked like it was going to snap. I let off the drag big time and it just peeled line like some tuna was on it.<br /><br />I really thought I had a big flat head or maybe a striper. It never jumped. Every time I got it close it took off again. It got under the boat and almost got in the motor. I had to run to the back and stick my rod under the motor to keep from having it cut my line. Keep in mind, I still had not seen it. It went on a couple more runs doing whatever it wanted and by now I was sure it was a cat. Never jumped and never came up. Finally wearing it down, it slowed down and rolled but not well enough to tell what it was. Then about 15 feet from the boat she rolled again. THIS TIME I SAW IT!!!! Gang, I almost went on myself. IT WAS A BASS!!!! A BIG BASSS!!! emoEek <br /><br />I about went nuts. I remember saying, "Please God, now that I have seen it, don't let it get away." emoLaugh I really at the time thought it might break the TN record. I have caught three 10 pounders in my life time but this one I knew was a lot bigger. Got her up to the boat and realized I had never opened up the net. emoDoh emoBang Here I am by myself with this huge bass on my line trying to pull the handle out of the net while she is flopping on the side of the boat. Finally got the net under her and into the boat. emoDance <br /><br />She was a beauty of a bass. Got out my scale and weighed her twice. Both time the scale settled on 12 lbs and 12 ozs. emoThumbsup emoToast A new personal best for me. I measured her and she was 26 1/4th inches long and 22 inches around. She was only four inches longer then she was round.<br /><br />Wiskers has a video of her and a bunch of pictures. When he sends me a couple pictures I will post a couple. emoBigSmile Jmax