Headed up to Oakley Sat. Morning and did some bank fishing. We fished with a worm and marshmellow, powerbait, and my son used a spinner for about an hour. Fished a couple times there last year and the fishing was slow but the fish we caught were real nice. Went with a friend and took my boy. We fished all morning and into mid afternoon without catching anything. Had nearly the whole place to ourselves until late morning. It was a great day to be out. We left around 2:30 and never saw anyone hook a fish. We will go back in the next week or two and give it another try. Has anyone else fished Oakley this year?
went there on the 8th water is real cold but raising good only caught one trout on the back section. good to know someone else on here likes to fish there also.
Welcome to BFT. There are a few reports on Oakley every so often. Hope to hear more. The lakes will warm up soon and the fishing gets nothing but better.
Thanks for the report. Oakley is a great producer so hopefully the catching will get better soon.
Welcome to the site, weightedline!! Mike
Welcome aboard, We fished it Saturday from noon till 4 and didn't touch a fish. Oakley is on the decline has been for the last couple years I don't know whether its fished out or if they had a die off It started fall two years ago and it has spent most of the last two winters really low and im sure that didn't help. Almost everyone i know who fishes it regularly has said the same thing. We fished it 3 times threw the ice this winter and hooked only 1 to 2 fish per time. I dont think its me as i have always done really well at Oakley and seemed to have it figured out But i could be wrong I hope
I have done really well there past couple of years. I like it cause you can still camp right on the lake and kids catch decent fish all day. Was hoping to go to the Minidoka damn on the day it opens for boats but have to work. Thank you all for the welcomes hope to help and get help on here