CA DFG just announce the following trout planting for Region 5
LOS ANGELES –- Alondra Park Lake, Echo Park Lake, El Dorado Park Lake, Elizabeth Lake, Hansen Lake, Legg Lakes, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat), San Gabriel River (East and West forks), Santa Fe Reservoir.
ORANGE –- Centennial Park Lake, Mile Square Park Lake, Ralph Clark Park Lake, Tri-City Lake.
SAN DIEGO –- Morena Lake.
SAN LUIS OBISPO –- Santa Margarita Lake.
Hi there TubeN2,
Looks like Cerritos is being ignored again. The catfish guy was back at his spot again last weekend and you guessed it had 4 nice 2 pounders on his stringer (he was trying to hide). The time before that, as I was walking by he casually took his rod out of the rod holder and laid it on the ground and went to attend his outher pole.
I looked back about 30 steps away and he had picked up the rod he had laid on the ground and was reeling in a FISH!!! Sneaky turkey!!! ha ha ha
I cheerly yelled out so everyone on the lake could hear (sound carries over water big time as we sometimes forget heh heh heh) 'nice fish good for you on chatching your limit!' Actually he already had 6 on the stringer with the limit 5!!!!!!
I'm sure we'll be good friends someday!
Are you still going down there every day?? My kids are out of school next week and I was thinking of joing you on a couple of afternoons. Just let me know which days that you would be down there and we can cross lines and I'll introduce you to tubeNtoo as well.
Ya Im suprised this week, we got a double plant at El do this past couple of weeks, its just that you cant catch them with all of the damn pelicans everywhere.
I caught a 1.2 the other day and it kicked my butt. Looks like big fish this year finally!
Aaron G (aka Trout_Pimp on All coast)
Hey there dh_tubinaaron,
Ya, I think El Do management gets MY fish!! ha ha
As I have a 1 year entrance permit, I'd fish El Do more often if they had decent closing times during the Winter! Right now I have to get otta dodge by 10 before 5pm or I get the evil eye from the rangers. If you're on bikes, I'm sure it would be better!
Hey if it ain't the pelicans it's the egrets or comorants or other flying trout spears. sheeeeeh!!
ya, but at least the pelicans are afraid of people, those stupid *** commorants will just sit there and look at you and if you go as far as throwing a rock in their direction you got the tree huggin hippies callin the DFG on you saying that you are harassing the birds as they have more rights than we do![mad]
Aaron G
Kill Fish, birds, and tree huggers! haha