03-28-2014, 11:39 PM
03-28-2014, 11:41 PM
Haha...always a good time fishing!
03-29-2014, 06:04 AM
Just shut up for once and leave my post alone!!!
03-29-2014, 06:05 AM
My boat is actually registered so you can leave now.
03-29-2014, 06:06 AM
Was just giving some info...sheeesh
03-29-2014, 06:07 AM
[quote Flyfishinglover]My boat is actually registered so you can leave now.[/quote]
03-29-2014, 06:07 AM
In your dreams. I'm pretty sure I always register all of my papers each year that I use it.
Such for you that you will never get a dime from me.
Such for you that you will never get a dime from me.
03-29-2014, 06:08 AM
Get ready for this summer kido.
03-29-2014, 06:09 AM
Alright , have fun fishing!
03-29-2014, 06:11 AM
I don't care what info you give me I just want you gone out of my threads and just leave forever!!!![mad]
Apparently you can't grow up for once in a life time and learn the common sense that your mother should of taught you will.
Apparently you can't grow up for once in a life time and learn the common sense that your mother should of taught you will.
03-29-2014, 06:42 AM
Just relax, it is a public forum if you missed that.
Besides it was FG that called you out on the licensing thing, as she's a long time tooner, and respects the papers too. You responded as if you didn't realize it's required to register a motorized toon. What are your UT numbers? ( kidding, don't post them or 5-0 will getcha!)
It does sound kinda like TDs rule, that the unbuttoned fish can be as big and whatever species the angler on the other end of the line claims, and none others can deny. Question, be skeptical, but not deny.
Just don't take it personally, chill and go fish. With the proper papers of course.
Besides it was FG that called you out on the licensing thing, as she's a long time tooner, and respects the papers too. You responded as if you didn't realize it's required to register a motorized toon. What are your UT numbers? ( kidding, don't post them or 5-0 will getcha!)
It does sound kinda like TDs rule, that the unbuttoned fish can be as big and whatever species the angler on the other end of the line claims, and none others can deny. Question, be skeptical, but not deny.
Just don't take it personally, chill and go fish. With the proper papers of course.
03-29-2014, 02:22 PM
Sorry FFL. I respect your passion, you know that. I wasn't there so I don't know, but I don't have respect for ignorance of the law, that's all. This subject is brought up in every state and on every forum, yet still see people launch Canoe or Sevylor rafts with motor and figure they are exempt from the same law that tubes, toons have to go through. They are motorized boats and not only require "papers" but same identification as a boat meaning 3" numbers and letters plus month and state sticker posted in sight. Not rocket science and while I don't agree, not up to the individual.
Good job on the trout. Would love to see you slam them more on a fly YOU make. You can do it. I am sure you know what they want. I come up with my Frankenflies for different lakes.
No worries about Tibble however, motors are not allowed.[
Good job on the trout. Would love to see you slam them more on a fly YOU make. You can do it. I am sure you know what they want. I come up with my Frankenflies for different lakes.
No worries about Tibble however, motors are not allowed.[

03-31-2014, 03:50 AM
I keep my paper in my left winter coat pocket and the stickers on the boat. Will have to register it soon again because it ends tomorrow [laugh]. $34 won't kill me for sure.
04-01-2014, 08:30 AM
Talk about how you can't fix stupid.
Flygoddess asks three little questions which you have no real answer for at the time. Might have saved yourself some trouble with 1.Thanks it is registered and I do have my invasive species paperwork. (Shows respect that someone took the time to try and help you out.) Nope License what??? 2.Was a loaded question as flygoddess knows TubeDudes hooks. Many people here do. 3.See answer for question #2 but for different reasons. You have all the answers so we will make that one a story problem.
Want remo_5_0 off your back? Learn to land the "big fish" and post picks of them instead of only the "little ones". It's only a fish story until then.[fishon]
I will never know as much about fishing as both Pat and Joni have forgot but this much I do know after running the Fishing contest for years and thousands of photos scored. There are lots of people who talk big in November and December. Only a few that are always and I do mean always around in April to back up what they said at the start. Become one of these people. You will get less crap and the respect you want. Take notice of the word 'LESS'. You will always get some crap on a public forum. Nature of the beast.[
Flygoddess asks three little questions which you have no real answer for at the time. Might have saved yourself some trouble with 1.Thanks it is registered and I do have my invasive species paperwork. (Shows respect that someone took the time to try and help you out.) Nope License what??? 2.Was a loaded question as flygoddess knows TubeDudes hooks. Many people here do. 3.See answer for question #2 but for different reasons. You have all the answers so we will make that one a story problem.
Want remo_5_0 off your back? Learn to land the "big fish" and post picks of them instead of only the "little ones". It's only a fish story until then.[fishon]
I will never know as much about fishing as both Pat and Joni have forgot but this much I do know after running the Fishing contest for years and thousands of photos scored. There are lots of people who talk big in November and December. Only a few that are always and I do mean always around in April to back up what they said at the start. Become one of these people. You will get less crap and the respect you want. Take notice of the word 'LESS'. You will always get some crap on a public forum. Nature of the beast.[

04-01-2014, 02:26 PM
[quote tlspyder13]Talk about how you can't fix stupid.
. . . I do know after running the Fishing contest for years and thousands of photos scored. There are lots of people who talk big in November and December. Only a few that are always and I do mean always around in April to back up what they said at the start. . . .[/quote]
Well put. Bet you don't miss it a bit either. We've bumped to 3 contests now - Ice, Cats, and Fly. Some people are self-appointed judges of ALL the contests it seems.
Some entries are easier to judge than others, while some rely on the excuses - it was cold, it was windy, it was snowy, the fish was slippery, or wiggly . . . proofs in the pudding (or the pixels).
If I remember this was entered as a 16 incher. I'll let YOU be the judge! [crazy] All I can say - is it's a good thing when I enter these contests - I'm not in it to win it.
[inline "lower bell canyon 12 22 12 002.JPG"]
. . . I do know after running the Fishing contest for years and thousands of photos scored. There are lots of people who talk big in November and December. Only a few that are always and I do mean always around in April to back up what they said at the start. . . .[/quote]
Well put. Bet you don't miss it a bit either. We've bumped to 3 contests now - Ice, Cats, and Fly. Some people are self-appointed judges of ALL the contests it seems.
Some entries are easier to judge than others, while some rely on the excuses - it was cold, it was windy, it was snowy, the fish was slippery, or wiggly . . . proofs in the pudding (or the pixels).
If I remember this was entered as a 16 incher. I'll let YOU be the judge! [crazy] All I can say - is it's a good thing when I enter these contests - I'm not in it to win it.
[inline "lower bell canyon 12 22 12 002.JPG"]
04-02-2014, 05:25 AM
[quote brookieguy1]Remo, I think you're one cop I would enjoy fishing with.[/quote]
I passed Remo once fishing the river and laughed at him for his monsterous boots he was wearing, did not take the time to fish with him and its my loss. when I come home to visit some time I am going to make it a point to have a beer and cigar with him.
I passed Remo once fishing the river and laughed at him for his monsterous boots he was wearing, did not take the time to fish with him and its my loss. when I come home to visit some time I am going to make it a point to have a beer and cigar with him.
04-02-2014, 02:10 PM
Ah yea, this post didn't take a right turn.
![[Image: c2226653-67f4-4ac0-9c35-aee09db2b8fc_zps7b335793.png]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/Just%20for%20fun/c2226653-67f4-4ac0-9c35-aee09db2b8fc_zps7b335793.png)
Anyway, FFL posted an endorsement for Tube Dude fly/lure. Honorable. I know people that would claim it was their own.
Maybe he did this illegally, but was not cited and can correct it , that is a good thing.
moving on.......
![[Image: c2226653-67f4-4ac0-9c35-aee09db2b8fc_zps7b335793.png]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/Just%20for%20fun/c2226653-67f4-4ac0-9c35-aee09db2b8fc_zps7b335793.png)
Anyway, FFL posted an endorsement for Tube Dude fly/lure. Honorable. I know people that would claim it was their own.
Maybe he did this illegally, but was not cited and can correct it , that is a good thing.
moving on.......
04-02-2014, 06:39 PM
Ha! I lol'd. Speaking of off topic I see your still slamming carp... You would love it over here the carp get ginormouse
04-02-2014, 06:44 PM
I drooled a little with the comment, sorry[
Also adding 3 to 6 lb Gold Fish...fun stuff military boy.
You will have to FB me some of those Carpage.

Also adding 3 to 6 lb Gold Fish...fun stuff military boy.
You will have to FB me some of those Carpage.
04-03-2014, 03:52 AM
This is probably the most nice post one here other then the first few.
TD purple flies are great. Will try them again in a few weeks.
TD purple flies are great. Will try them again in a few weeks.