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Full Version: Echo 3-28-2014
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Hit the lake solo since Madi is in school and the weather didn't look good for tomorrow.

Still too cold for the Bass. 59 degrees at launch ~30 minutes before the sun hit the water. At the end of the day the main lake water was 65. It all comes down to that AM temp to judge what is going on. At least from what I seen last weekend on Mohave. Main lake coves 62 in the AM and smallies on beds protecting eggs. 60 in the river and the females haven't made it up yet. At least that was my conclusion based on how the smallies acted when I found them at each of those areas.

I went just a bit south of the marina at launch and tossed everything in the boat. Landed one small smallie. About 8am a school of Stripers came by so 5 casts later I had 4 in the boat for dinner. Might as well catch something. I continued to cast everything I had. Shallow'ish, way deep, crank, jerk, jig, swimbaits, etc. I know I ran into 2 different beds but with the slight wind I couldn't see them. (The smallies were running about trying to lure me away from their spots, so guessing bed set up but no female/eggs yet.) Ran back up across from the marina for another hour and nothing. Ran north a ways and nothing. (I found one bed but he was spoooooky. I bet if I yelled jump 100 feet from him he would of...) He was in about 2 feet of water max. Going to be dry before a female is found, eggs are placed and hatched at the current rate the lake is going down...) Ran into a pile of Stripers up there so.... Might at well. Trolled for a bit and landed another 13 Stripers for something to do. Worked out. 4 for dinner and 13 for the smoker tomorrow.

Just sucks seeing the lake go down. Almost all of my favorite spots either don't exist or not worth any time anymore... Found lots of ooooh shiot I didn't know that was there spots today. Didn't hit anything but one certainly has to be on their toes...

Veeeery frustrating... I just don't get it. The spawn is coming up... They are suppose to be getting fat and feeding up for it. Where are they!!! I seen some smallies today but faaaar and few. Never seen a LMB. I did quite a bit of just cruising on the TM looking in the later part of the day when the wind went to zero and just nothing. 4,000,000 carps... Makes the sonar about useless...
Almost every Striper I caught/cleaned was either full of milk or eggs. Their bellies were essentially empty. Dunno how they are staying alive with stomachs like that.
Ok I will tell you where they all are. Not sure how far north you went, but you have to go really north of echo.

Go fish the shoreline where near Ann Margaret's Cove was all the way up to the Old Salt Flat.

I call that striper central. When I was out last week, I caught 7 small mouth by accident trolling, so I know if you are targeting them, there are probably a lot more there.

Now you know one of my other secret
Haven't made it past Stewarts this year so far. Way up there certainly is a odd spot for smallies. I'd expect a large mouth long before a smallie in that area. Fished it several times and more of a Striper area overall IMO. Weird... Will head further north next time out. Hopefully by then the temps are higher and the LMB are out and about.

All of the Stripers I got trolling was a couple miles north of your other favorite spot. There was a couple in your favorite spot but not many. There is also a second island in there just under the water I darn near ran into messing around changing lures and not watching!
lol... luckily I have seen Eagle Cove at its lowest and I know the path to take to miss that second

The water temp up north where I was telling you is alot warmer and the bottom is all sand. the bass love it up there
I have never done well on that side till one gets up to and past that water intake that is now out of the water.

Will scout it again. With the water levels changing I guess everything I have found and like up till now is out of the window.

At least yesterday wasn't a total loss getting into the Stripers like I did. Perfect catch to me. Enough for Madi and I last night with leftovers for a fish taco lunch today. My smoker will hold +/- 14 basic sized Stripers and going to be firing it up here in a bit. Just in time for a evening fresh smoked Striper snack [Wink]

That's a long haul up there for you if you are boating it all the way from Callville. I'd hate to see your boat gas bill [crazy]
I have a trailer for my boat. I made that trip from callville all the way up there and that trip cost me about 300-400 bucks
Quite the bummer with the lower water and all not being able to have your boat up there any more in the marina for ya. I love fishing up there and am really glad that they made a alternate launch point so we can still launch up there but I DREAD going up there every single trip being a "clean" freak. That dirt road just makes such a HUGE mess out of everything... I can usually just wipe down the boat in the garage the next day to take care of all the hard water stains/scum lines and now I have to pull it back out of the garage and do a full up cleaning due to all the dirt the next day. What a chore. Plus the truck is trashed. Getting too old for all that work every weekend [crazy]
waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... i went fishing and my boat got dirty.... poor j/k

i honestly like that new launch ramp so much better than the old one, especially since you can park almost right next to it. no mile hikes!
That part is super nice. Of course the launch ramp in the Echo Marina was the same walk wise minus the dirt road to get to it. Callville... NOT. Screw that hike. Only launched out of there twice and that was years ago. That ramp is so darn wide I don't know why they just don't let people park up the center. Would be so nice. Being there when it is busy is a huge azz pain since I have to tie up the boat and go get the truck/trailer. I get all kinds of dirty looks over hogging the dock but no choice when one is alone/with a child that can't legally drive the boat or truck.
i just put my boat in, pull it as far back as i can on the dock, tie it off than bring my truck up to where most people park. than i disconnect my trailer, than drive back down to where you can park without a trailer.

The people who run callville are probably the most retarded people I have ever dealt with on Lake Mead.
I am there waaaay before most. So that part is a whatever. It is getting it back out when the kiddies are there by the hordes with their 80k ski toys that I hate. Generally speaking a bunch of a$$'s overall.
when i was living up there, i used to drive my golf cart down to the launch ramp right before it got dark. Endless entertainment