12-18-2003, 09:35 PM
12-18-2003, 10:27 PM
[/reply]If the electric lake you asking about is the one above scofield Res. It is empty, I understand the mine drilled a hole under it and it was drained. I was up on the mountain during the muzzle loader Elk hunt and drove past the lake on our way to the skyline drive. Its gone , Dry . no more lake..
12-18-2003, 11:43 PM
The mine didn't help the water level, but Electric Lake is far from empty. The part you pass by on the road to Scofield is high and dry, but there is plenty of water down by the dam. Fuzzyfisher should give us a report any day now. I bet that it has plenty of ice now.
12-18-2003, 11:46 PM
Seriously??!! Is it just a puddle or is it gone? How do you fix a hole in the bottom of the lake that empties into a mine? Seems that could prevent it from being used for a while. I am really curious to hear more about this. Any news reports to read?
12-19-2003, 12:05 AM
Electric Lake still has water in it ,You have to go to the dam side.The lake is a large lake and even at 30% capasity its still good size.I would guess the ice is 6-8" by now(it useually freezes a week or two before scofield)The fishing is generally fast on the ice,mostly 12-16" yellowstone cuttroat.There's probably between 2 and 4 feet of snow by now so be prepared for a tough walk down the bank to get to the lake,especially if no one has previously blazed a trail,but it's well worth the hike! Good luck Lonnie
12-19-2003, 02:22 AM
ok if you did not see my repot on e-lake yet then here the news... there is still alot of water in the lake!! they colsed the part of the mine and sealed it up and are pumping as much of the water back into the lake as they can.. the water level down at the dam is 62' feet right now 73' under 100% full.. still makes for about a 2 mile long lake.. and another thing e-lake frezzes up about 3 to 4 week after scolfild becaus even now it's alot deeped than scolfild is so it takes longer to turn over...
from the fuzzyfisher-------------------fish on dudes
from the fuzzyfisher-------------------fish on dudes