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So I seen the mother shucker fly on roughing it outdoors and tried tying one up. I tried it the other day without a simple fish rise for it. Is ot to be fished as a dry or a nymph?
It is a midge. Dry or sub surface emerger. Maybe size or color was wrong?
With the foam you'd think it's primarily meant to be fished as a dry. That's how they shoed it on KSL. On the show they didn't look like they had a fish in double digits to show off despite catching 50 fish. Online photos for others seem to mirror it was a dink magnet. Now I haven't fished it and would be hard pressed unless someone can actually show evidence of it being effective with decent trout. I wonder if the design just isn't likely to entice a fish older than a year or 2 very often?
This one along with a few others close to this size just not as fat took the zebra midge. It's been 10 years or so since I have got into the nicer fish on the middle other then the whitefish.
Nice looking bow. Maybe that was your problem, the trout were too big for the mother shucker fly[Wink]. Again I haven't fished it but on KSL they commented as landing about an 8 inch fish that it was as big as the last 2 landed combined. On the net people were proudly showing off 5 and 8 inch trout they caught on the fly. Not exactly a glowing endorsement of the fly's capabilities. But catching a lot of dinks always beats getting skunked.
That's a nice Bow'….the days of big fish on the middle and LP are long gone.
I haven't fished in in several years. But could it really be that bad in places that they apparently land 50 fish without one apparently approaching a foot. AFD at least managed a descent fish on another pattern.
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[size 3][font "Calibri"]I’ve fished it with fair success. It’s usually found in two colors, grey and brown. I’ve had better luck using a Foamerger. You can Google it and you’ll find a short how to video. As stated previously, big fish on the Provo are far and few between. There are a few nice fish but nothing to write homeabout.[/font][/size]
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[quote riverdog]I haven't fished in in several years. But could it really be that bad in places that they apparently land 50 fish without one apparently approaching a foot. AFD at least managed a descent fish on another pattern.[/quote]

Yes, it is that bad, Sadly I think we have done it to ourselves and I am as guilty as anyone, we all should be keeping a few fish from the river, while C&R is great and all what we have essentially done is created a river full of stunted fish all competing for food, by not removing any we have a river full of small fish and none can grow to any size.
2 fish under 14 inches just isn't enough to deal with the mess. If it were 4 fish under 12 inches (which is easily obtainable and makes for a nice meal for two--as well as thinning out the population) I would be more inclined to keep fish there.
Nice fish indeed! Maybe that porky bow ate all those little rats that those other guys were catching on the mother shuckers on TV?

Questions for the experts. Since I got back into flyfishing more the last 1 1/2 years, I've hit both, but it seems that the lower has nominally better fish (usually bows) than the middle, with rare exceptions. Accurate or just random occurrence?
[quote doggonefishin]Nice fish indeed! Maybe that porky bow ate all those little rats that those other guys were catching on the mother shuckers on TV?

Questions for the experts. Since I got back into flyfishing more the last 1 1/2 years, I've hit both, but it seems that the lower has nominally better fish (usually bows) than the middle, with rare exceptions. Accurate or just random occurrence?[/quote]

I think the lower has better Bows', Browns are about the same, used to be long and skinny, now just small. My .02 but I don't fish either much anymore, haven't fished the middle for a loooong time.
Yeah, I think the DWR needs to look at the fish population in that river and change the limit and size.

To the OP, sorry for the thread jack!
[quote altizerbd]2 fish under 14 inches just isn't enough to deal with the mess. If it were 4 fish under 12 inches (which is easily obtainable and makes for a nice meal for two--as well as thinning out the population) I would be more inclined to keep fish there.[/quote]

Can anybody thing of any stream in Utah that wouldn't benefit from a more liberal harvest policy? Sure restrict cutts in places to keep them off the endangered species list but that's about all. I don't eat much trout but if I could keep more at a time I'd be more likely to keep enough to fire up the smoker now and then.
Lot of great emerger patterns out there and so far I'm not convinced on adding the mother shucker to my arsenal.
It is a foam fly, but the more foam is condensed which is this flies body, foam is no longer buoyant and actually sinks. On this fly the tail being long enough can make the fly float tail up looking more like an emerger. Add a little Frog Fanny and I bet it is fantastic.
I think it is hard to regulate the middle Provo when the fish from deer creek come and go as they please. I'm content catching dinks on a fly rod with an occasional hog. I was up on the middle again today w a brown scud and caught maybe 6 whitefish that were all 18" or better and 1.5lbs or better. Weird how you get in a hole that only yields certain fish. Only 1 bow came to play today. But plenty of whitefish to go around.
[quote americanforkdude]I think it is hard to regulate the middle Provo when the fish from deer creek come and go as they please. I'm content catching dinks on a fly rod with an occasional hog. I was up on the middle again today w a brown scud and caught maybe 6 whitefish that were all 18" or better and 1.5lbs or better. Weird how you get in a hole that only yields certain fish. Only 1 bow came to play today. But plenty of whitefish to go around.[/quote]

I bet the only fish movement out of Deer Creek is only during the spawn, if you are content with dinks then have at it.
Maybe I should clarify. I would rather have big fish but there when your not a elite flyfisherman your just thankful there are a couple places close to home with fish that aren't as educated as the ones on the lower Provo. Sometimes its about getting your string stretched and size is just icing on the cake.
And a great reason for different weight fly rods[Smile]