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Full Version: Bear River & Little Bear River off Hwy 30
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Just curious...several times a week I drive Hwy 30 from the Tremonton area to Logan. On that road I drive over Bear River several times. The river looks to be flowing rather slow and in some areas (like a boat launch area) it looks to be standing still.
Is there any good fishing along here? Is that boat launch mostly used by bird hunters?
I figure that since I see it a few times a week I may as well give it a go if its worth it.
I have never fished right there but know people who do. (Actually that is the Logan River and the Little Bear. The Logan and the Bear join about a mile north of the Benson marina).

You have a change of catching every thing from carp, mud cats, channel cats, walleye, crappie, and bass. In cooler weather you may even get a trout.
We used to fish in that area when I was younger. Mostly carp and catfish. There is starting to be more bass, crappie, and I've even seen a walleye pulled out of that area. Chicken
that area is the bear not the logan and it is best to fish in the summer. it is also mostly private property down there so check where you are going first.
Tremonton to Logan area is the Logan R. and it's all public access PacifiCorp ground. The Trenton area may be what you're thinking of that is the Bear R. and mostly Private land with some Public access PacifiCorp mixed in. Ditto on the fish that are there but I've done better up near Benson marina.
actually both run along 30 so i was assuming he was talking about driving over it in the bear river bottoms by trenton. i guess it does go over the logan also though it more looks like a swamp. hey nate ever done very well at cutler or know it very well?
Xman you're right! I forgot to think outside of my Cache Valley box. I guess I gotta get out more often.[Tongue] With all the other great waters in Cache I've neglected Cutler too much. I love to hook into the big carp out there but just in the last year or two I've started to explore the catfish more and I want to try to find its walleye. I've been doing some inquiry into the walleye whereabouts on the Bear.
i know where some walleye hang out there. pm me and we can get together on it. though i will say they are very hard to target just to catch walleye. also i heard and think there are perch and crappie and bluegill and largemouth in culter also. do know anything otherwise?