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I was at a presentation by Southeast Region fishery biologists and learned some new and interesting things about Chesterfield that I thought I would share.

In the past Chesterfield Res has been drained down to complete fish kill pretty regularly. This used to happen just about every 5 to 7 years. Sometime more.

I thought that since then a combination of entities had bought some of the water rights and was keeping a minimum pool in there. I was wrong. The Portneuf/Marsh Valley Canal Co (I think that is the name) still could drain it. We have THEM to thank for the continued minimum pool in the reservoir.

They have been voluntarily cutting their water short, such as their stopping in August last year just so that the reservoir would not be drained down too low. We owe them a huge thank you. If you can't personally thank them or send them a note, then help keep the reservoir clean.

The two complaints the canal company had was of all the trash and vehicles on the dam blocking their access to the pump house. F&G put in new gates on both sides of the dam for them. Please don't block those gates. Walk in access to fish on the dam is still allowed. Please help out with the trash. There will still be pigs that fish, but we can help when we are there by cleaning up after some of them. Bring an extra garbage bag and gloves.

I don't have an address, but I will see if I can't get one soon.

BFT clean up anyone?

On a less than happy note. The cormorants are a plague to our stocked reservoirs. Chesterfield, Treasurton, and Foster have been especially hit hard. F&G is working on several options including stocking fewer, but larger fish, and they are working hard on getting permission for a lethal solution on some of the birds.
How about all the pelicans too! They are brutal. I was night fishing last year and feeling real tired and all I had was my lantern on my boat. It casts light out maybe about five feet, when out of the shadows one of those monster big pelicans came into the light, I about messed myself right there! When I hook fish trolling they follow my fish in thinking they are going to get an easy meal.
Thanks for the info, Cpierce. If we can keep a bit-o-water in C it is a major advantage and benefit for us to at least reciprocate by keeping the place picked up. I'll personally do my share.