So my Grandpa passed away Sunday and the whole family is headed down to the desert after the funeral like we used to do with him at Easter. My grandpa talked about cat fishing on the Green but never took any of us. My cousin and I were thinking it might be fun to give it a go. We'll also be close to the Colorado at times on the trip and were looking for typos techniques to try and land some fish. And we aren't above catching carp either! Any help is appreciated thanks.
I would do the Colorado River myself. Channel Catfishing is outstanding on that muddy river!
For the cats, I would throw Chicken Liver. Put some wieght on it to get it down there. If you need a good spot shoot me a PM and I can get you on some cats.
Also don't overlook trying Kens Lake. It is really close to town and is chalk full of Large Mouth Bass. Try the dam first and throw white spinner baits for them. I like the strike king pure white spinner bait. Supposedly there are some bluegill in there too but I never caught any while I was there.
If you drive past montecello Utah there is Recapture Res. It has bass, catfish, trout and pike! Its about 70 miles from Moab though.
I've fished the Colorado around Moab a few times. Caught tons of catfish but nothing over 14". Even the carp I caught down there were on the small side. There is a road next to the bridge just as you go into Moab with a small boat ramp. lots of bike riders stop there and cool off. Chuck a worm or shrimp out with a good weight and It shouldn't be long till you get a bite.
Thanks! We will definitely check those out! I think I know exactly where you are talking about Drew, and Ken's Lake sounds intriguing to say the least. So white spinners huh? What about crankbaits, have you thrown any of those there? Thanks!
Yes I threw my whole collection of cranks at them with no luck. Although the bass in there do like big silver spoons, just not as much as the small white spinnerbait.
I thought back to it and I did catch a green sunfish in there too.
Bad news about Kens lake. It had major draw down last summer and a total die off due to lack of oxygen. I don't know if a single fish survived......... I'm sure a few fish will make thier way back in from the stream above but I believe all the LMB and catfish are total loss.
Was in Moab Saturday. The Colorado is running quite high. The fish are there, but the fishing will be tough.
Good to know guys, thanks!
I was worried that might happen. I guess I released all those bass for nothing.[:/] Sure was a fun little pond while it lasted.
Sorry to hear about your grandpa

I'm from Green River and I can say that this is the perfect time to catch some sumo pre spawn cats around town. There is a road in town called Hastings Road that follows the Green upriver for about 20 miles. If you take that road there are plenty of good holes past Swasey's Beach that are easy to spot from the road. I've caught dozens of cats in the 10 pound range in the area. You can Google Map Hastings to get an idea of where to go. Also, I recommend getting a hold of some chubs or suckers for bait, they love it. Cut it up into good size chunks so the smaller ones can't mess with it. But if you're not looking to land a hog, chicken livers, worms, or shrimo will have you bringing in smaller cats by the boatload. I hope this helps, good luck!
Hope they restore that pond/lake. It's a fun place to go after bass and bluegill. Some nice size bg in there that I shall miss. Looks like my spring trip down there is cancelled due to this news.
If you end up going there soon. I'd like to hear the real deal about iif it still got the fish and little higher water.
I'm going to be down in Moab for Memorial day and I will be checking on Kens lake. I will report back on the fishing.
I was under the impression that USFWS electroshocked the Colorado to remove all the " non native species" ie: catfish, carp, bass etc. As stated, the Green has some good cats in it, I would go there !!!