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Full Version: How Much Snow???
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Anyone been to Scofield in the last couple of days? How deep is the snow out on the ice? Heading up tonight and wondered much work I am in for in the morning while pulling my tent out on the ice. Thanks for any info...[Wink]

p.s. I'll be on channel 5 frequency 5, in case anyone want's to meet up.
I was out on schofield yesterday. there is only an inch or two on the ice. On the north side there was a fair amount of slush under the snow. One the east it wasn't slushy at all. I think you will be just fine. Happy fishing.
Thanks thinkfish,

I appreciate the info. [Wink]
Hey Cuz. I seen your post. sounds like we will be able to drive in . I will have my radio on . I will see you up there.[cool]