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Full Version: South Fork Snake 4/16
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Went up above Swan Valley this afternoon and had a great time. They were hammering any nymph that was red. Browns for an hour then Rainbows later.

Isn't it funny that we work so hard to make perfect flies and sometimes the most mangled and raggedy fly catches fish. I started with a beautiful red San Juan worm, but the first Brownie tore it up. I cut half of it off and kept fishing, the next Brown torn up the fly so there was just a shred hanging off. More fish and eventually all it had left was the thread that used to hold the Chenille on . Half a dozen fish and I switched to a Red Copper John and Red Zebra midge, Great fun!!
LOL on the fly. I have always wondered how a regular San Juan would catch them when most of the real "worms" are so much smaller than it. Your experience just confirms why I thought they were too big to start with.

Nice report.Thanks. Were you wading?
Yep, what I like and what the fish like are often two different things.
Thanks for the report. As you can see in the BFT flybox thread at the top red was good to me the other day as well on another body of water.

Yes, I was wading down below the bridge downriver from the Dam. BTW the ice is breaking up on PaliSades and should be fishable near the dam soon.
I bet the water by the dam will be somewhat open in the next week to do some shore fishing. There is a fair amount of open fishable water in the big elk creek arm of paliSades right now. Went and fished it with a canoe yesterday. You can't drive anywhere close to the water on account of the mud but we were able to carry the canoe down to the water and troll around for a while catching a few nice browns.
[quote PaliSadesPorter]I bet the water by the dam will be somewhat open in the next week to do some shore fishing. There is a fair amount of open fishable water in the big elk creek arm of paliSades right now. Went and fished it with a canoe yesterday. You can't drive anywhere close to the water on account of the mud but we were able to carry the canoe down to the water and troll around for a while catching a few nice browns.[/quote]

Do you use any sort of stabilizer for your canoe? If so, what brand?
Thanks for the report .
No stabilizer, but it would be nice to have one so I could stand up in the canoe without worrying about swimming.