04-18-2014, 09:00 AM
I&#39;m very late posting this report. I waiting until I could get the video posted. It&#39;s a fun one as Zach Dunn does battle with a 23 lb. blue cat on light tackle: http://youtu.be/0NPXASpmqBk <br /> <br />For the last several years Elizabeth Dunn has bought a Christmas Gift fishing trip for her husband, Lee, and their two sons, Zach and Lucas. We have had some GREAT trips together. <br /> <br />Sadly Lee was a little late calling this year, after all my prime May dates were already booked. So the cats weren&#39;t really fired up yet and we had to struggle for what we caught. But after looking over the video, and a few photos, it wasn&#39;t a total bust, which means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day! emoBig
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