Looking to scratch a Tiger Muskie off my list. Can anyone give me some info on locations from the shore to fish, preferrably free to park areas, and types of lures to use? I've never thrown a lure out for Muskie so I'm as green as green can be.
Appreciate any help. Also, I've hear you should use steel leader? Is this true?
Get a float tube or kayak, drive across the dam and keep the lake on your right until you get to where it ends. Get out there and paddle around in three to six feet of water, casting a big spinnerbait until you score. And fishing is best in May and early June. Be sure to bring some pliers or a jaw grabber of some kind. And keep your fingers away from the hooks and those tiger teeth. Be sure to mark inches on your fishing rod so that you can tell everybody how big your first tiger muskie was. And also don't forget to take a picture and post it here. That's the only thanks we need. By the way, the first hour of daylight and the last half an hour are best. I've caught probably 75 percent of my tigers during that time even though I've fished a lot during the middle of the day. Use a minimum of 15-pound-test line and you're better off with 20 or 30 with a steel leader. I had a monster break off with 30-pound line and a steel leader after diving and finding a sunken tree. It took him awhile to thrash around before he broke the line, much to the dismay of crappies and perch that had hoped to raise their families in the vicinity.
I'd say you want a heavy duty pontoon if your going after tiger musky especially if you get into a big guy. They might take your on a joy ride in a float tube or flip you over in a kayak.
From the shore I like to throw the Rapala jointed in J11 or J13 size in perch colors at PV. Make sure you use a steel leader and heavy line. Try to get to the points and the brush edges. Remember, Muskies are the fish of 1000 casts so be patient.
Yes, I'm familiar with that phrase! Looking forward to giving it a shot. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a free ride in my float tube!
when you go I would like to know the water temperature up at pine. good luck man!
I go with 20lb braid, 25-30lb mono leader tied on with a uni knot, no swivel. Mono to mono might work, never tried it. Not sure what lures work this time of year but big swimbaits, jigs, lipless cranks with rattles and jointed rapalas might work. Try changing up speed and giving it a few hard pulls when its getting close to you. Float tube, tiger muskie and treble hooks doesnt really sound like they would go together very well, i suggest a long handle big rubber net and long pliers. Maybe kevlar waders and float tube too. Haha
if you are on shore go to the port ramp and fish around the docks ,,silver rattletraps and firetiger rapalas
gliders,jerks,and rattle traps are early season staples for musky fishing - ive never fished pineview or caught a tiger myself, but have caught quite a few natural muskies in my days. that said, Pineview is on my list
is this place free of ice? looking to take my boat out there very soon. thanks
I'm glad you asked about Tiger Muskies on Pinview because I'm currently on vacation in Bluewater NM and have landed 5 Tigers (in about 8 total fishing hours) with baitfish imitator by Dynamic Lures. All were between 29 and 32". I posted picks of each. I can't wait to get back to Utah and try Pinview
Yeah, Pineview is free of ice. Thanks everyone for the tips. I'll get out there maybe the first week of May and give it a shot. Sounds like a may need a bigger rod and reel than what I have in my inventory right now. Looking forward to it!
Pics to come once I finally can check this bad boy off my list.
thanks for the info caveman - i too hope to scratch this species off my list soon
xberto - looks like some outstanding fishing - some gorgeous looks specimens! bet the kids loved seeing those beasts on deck