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Full Version: Results for BBB open on Lowell?
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I'm just wondering if anybody has a link to the results for the Bbb open tournament on lake lowell if not does anyone know what the winning weight was???
I haven't seen anything on the BBB results yet but did get a few emails yesterday from Fish and Game. Guess they tagged some fish from the tournament then they had a report of someone keeping bass on Sunday. Sounded like they caught said person and they had 5 fish, at least some of them were fish they had tagged the day before.
A quick boat ride and still hungry the next day.
Did f&g mention the purpose of the tags?
the bag you told me you had caught probably wouldve won it. i think i heard winning weight was 18 or 19. big fish was 5.11 and he ended up only getting 10th.
If I was allowed to go catch my fish a few days before everyone else I would do ok
not much in the emails on it but I seem to remember a quick comment about helping them research issues with the bass population. From what I have heard the main issue the bass population faces out there is the carp population...
I have lived on and fished Lake Lowell for 56 years. I believe the Idaho F&G Dept has done a great job with the bass fishing. My memory is old, but I see very little change in the carp population. Channel cats have been introduced and have replaced bullheads. Perch seem to be making a good comeback, but crappie still seem a bit scarce - especially the big ones we used to catch. 50 years ago most fishermen on lake Lowell were fishing for bullheads, not bass.
53 boats
18.8 lbs win
5.11 bf
Lots of 15 & 14 lb weights
Water low so you had to yank them out of the mat
One 4 lb smallie (I know of)
F&G reported over a dozen 5 lb lmb released during the recent carp netting. Nothing bigger, double digit is rumor.
I was to poor to play.
I was out there that day shooting carp.... Ton of guys out there fishing...
Thanks guys!
Results are posted on BBB's webpage:
Thanks for posting the results. I am always curious to see those.

I can't believe how close things were. I have only fished Lowell a couple times, but it appears to be full of bass in the 3lb range.

If this tournament was fished a month later how much would the bags change?
I think somewhat similar, maybe a little bigger bag to win it if you have fish on beds. Weights might go down a bit later in the summer.

Disclaimer - I only fish out there 2-3's a year so by no means am I an expert authority on Lowell.
The fish get farther into the crap as things warm up. I gets pretty tough in the summer. Someone always finds 15 lbs.
I had not heard about the commercial carp fishing on Lowell so I looked and found this.
Cool Video. I've been hearing about that recently. Hopefully removing carp will help the gamefish populations in the Lake. Lake Lowell is a very diverse fishery and It's only 20 minutes from home!!!
They should do the same thing with all the cat fish in Brownlee.
and all the perch in C.J. ... [cool]