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Brazos Kayak Adventures Float Trips
Waco Texas area
I am a licensed fishing guide.
1.Whitney dam float to Coon creek hole best fishing hole on brazos 5 miles there 5 back. [url ""][/url]
2. 2114 bridge to Brazos canyon and b...ack , For those who want less paddleing and more fishing we have a 2 mile float down to Brazos Canyon and also good for hikeing and exploring . There is an extensive cave system and springs with lots of neat scenery .Also the largemouth bass fishing in this area is excellent and very few people fish this area.
3.Lake whitney kayak to fish for smallmouth at bee bluff , put in at the Walling Bend [url ""][/url]
4. Aquila lake for sand bass
[url ""][/url]
*90 a day ...
*90 a day for each additional person in group
Plenty of lodgeing available in nearby Hillsboro Tx ,10 miles away
Day Guides for Lake Lunker Largemouths
1. Raven lake
2.Houston County lake
3.Purtis Creek Lake
*200 a day and 200 for extra person
Call me, im Don 2542833294 or message me here
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