Fishing Forum

Full Version: Bigrobm33, Chickamauga, Mixed Bag, 4/22/14, Groundcheck1
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Me and Dad thought we would go out today after the rain stopped today to see if we could find some fish. We found just about everything besides what we were looking for ofcourse emoBang I caught one bass right off the bat on a trap it was probably 8 inches long haha then I was flipping a jig into a laydown and missed the same fish 2 casts in a row. 3rd time i finally got it and to my luck all it was was a warmouth.... My luck! About 5 minutes later my dad hollers for me to get the net becuase he thinks he has a big one on, the fish gets about 10 yards from the boat and we see its a drum emoBang ... Still in the same slough and he hooks up with another fish on a trap all it was was a crappie. Managed to catch one more dink on a trap and thats all we had today. Water temp stayed aroubd 68-69 everywhere we wewnt, thought we would be able to see a few on bed but didn't see any. We will figure something out one day emoScratch