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Full Version: Arrowrock Sucks buckets...WHY?
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So I'm just curious if anyone has any info or thoughts as to why Arrowrock fishing is absolutely terrible this year...the stocking reports are the same as in previous years but so far, few trout, and almost NO kokes coming out of there...Perhaps they drained it down too low last fall? All I know is it sucks, and that's pretty Sad considering the only other option is LP. LP is fine in the spring but once it gets warm its a fisherman's nightmare!
They were hammerin' 'em a few weeks ago from the shore. Must be something else....strange though.
also know of a couple friends who have been doing quite well up there.
A couple of thoughts...

1) a lot of garbage and ash/silt was flushed in to the lake last summer and fall due to the fires on the Middle and South Forks of the Boise River.

2) Anderson Ranch and Arrowrock both were drawn down excessivley last year. That flushed a lot of fish through the dams, and also resulted in abnormally high water temps in the lakes, which affect trout and kokes.

3) many of the predatory fish like pikeminnows flushed down the rivers due to the crappy water quality, and they may have just had a field day with the smaller fish.

4) extraterrestrial space aliens from Mars may have been seen in the area...just a thought (or maybe the tequila).

...I am no expert, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Don't fish for salmoniods on purpose, but I do know that there are 5 lb small mouth in the gravel. Yamamoto cinnamon is the color. Been happening this way for years.