The usual lunch break browns and a recent channel cat of 4lbs (me? catching catfish? who knew?) have kept me busy at lunch.
A trip to Phoenix a couple of weeks ago with the family was a ton of fun, but didn't allow any fishing. I still saw some family though and got to take a long drive.
Last Sunday (Easter), I spent all day at a tiger hole and almost got a skunk. 7 hours late, after walking completely around the lake, I finally got the only bite and fish of the day. 4 more hours were spent trying for #2 afterward. Wow.
Keeping with the "work hard" theme, this week I trudged my way through deep snow and tightly wooded aspens in one of my preferred areas. The rewards were sweet for this and I caught some pretty big brookies.
Full story and pics can be found by Googling: Utah Water Log.
Happy Fishing, Humans.
[quote LOAH] Full story and pics can be found by Googling: Utah Water Log. [/quote]
[#0000FF]You used to post some good reports and nice pics. Has BFT been relegated to the position of being a place to post "teaser" drive traffic to your blogspot...or whatever? And not even a link?
Sorry. If you don't have time to post the pics and info I don't have time to follow you to your other site.
Umm it looks like the link is right there at the bottom? Just have to copy/paste? Either way I found the time LOL. Good stuff as usual LOAH
I concur with Tube Dude, nothing worse then getting sent round to different websites. Post the story, upload the pics. Binga banga booma. Makes it quick and easy for viewers.
[quote TubeDude][quote LOAH] Full story and pics can be found by Googling: Utah Water Log. [/quote]
[#0000FF]You used to post some good reports and nice pics. Has BFT been relegated to the position of being a place to post "teaser" drive traffic to your blogspot...or whatever? And not even a link?
Sorry. If you don't have time to post the pics and info I don't have time to follow you to your other site.
Your loss tubedude. Even if LOAH somehow found a way to make any amount of money off of a blogspot page (nobody makes money off those), I don't mind taking two seconds to benefit his cause for sharing the best Utah fishing reports you can find on the web.
There are reasons I haven't posted many trip reports for a few months. The biggest would be time. After I've got my report put together (this can take quite awhile, as you surely know), naturally I'm going to post the TR on my own website first.
These reports often have more photos than some of the forums will allow per post and I'm not interested in breaking it up to meet a limit. That's not the case with BFT, but it is elsewhere.
Usually, I'll take the extra time to change formats, edit in new code to match various forum requirements, and post a full report to other sites. As you've noticed, I like my pics to work inline so people don't have to click an annoying list of 20+ links at the bottom to see what I was talking about.
Those pics don't work the same here as they do on my blog or on site x or site z. It requires extra work on my end, which I've always done until recently.
Lately it's been hard enough to find time to resize photos from three weeks ago, let alone write a report the way I feel it should be written.
Rysen is right. Google doesn't pay anything. My intention is not to drive traffic away from BFT (I have it linked on my blog, by request actually - though they won't let me link to mine from here...).
There is no money being made on my end. My ads make approx. two cents per day and I'm likely taking them down soon anyway.
I'm not sponsored or directed by anyone, therefore any time I put forth to write a trip report on my blog is purely for the purpose of sharing my trips.
Though I haven't had as much time lately, I intend to get back in full report rhythm before too long.
So I'm sorry if it rubs anyone the wrong way, for me to spread word that I'm still alive and here's where to see what's been going on, but I spend a lot of time putting these together for people to read.
Trust me, I'd rather post a full report on each site and plan to again. It's not very convenient with the nagging I receive already when I need to tie up the family pc for a few hours.
Just typing this took some time, though it was a pretty direct question worth answering.
[quote TubeDude][quote LOAH] Full story and pics can be found by Googling: Utah Water Log. [/quote]
[#0000ff]You used to post some good reports and nice pics. Has BFT been relegated to the position of being a place to post "teaser" drive traffic to your blogspot...or whatever? And not even a link?
Sorry. If you don't have time to post the pics and info I don't have time to follow you to your other site.
I would rather link to a blog and view all, than have to click on a ton of separate attached photos like some do. All that said any photos are better than no photos no matter how they are posted. That is one reason I never post here. No matter what you do someone's going to complain. Nice report loa and great fish. Thanks for the report.
I followed your link and was not disappointed. Thanks for your post.
Not only that, but at least for me, I've been having problems with loading up pics inline at times lately. I'll load them all up, and then when I post them, several if not all but one of them are not displayed. I then have to go in and upload each one manually, one at a time, before they display. Kind of makes me not want to bother posting a big, picture laden report on here anymore.
Cheers LOAH, great as always
Shame on you TD. I guess you're getting to old to copy and paste. [cool]
LOAH, your reports are the best of any I have ever read on the internet. Period. You go to some of the most beautiful places and always catch some beautiful fish. Your photography is also top notch. It's awesome you share your adventures with all of us. Please keep it up and know there are tons if people who really appreciate every single one of your reports.
TD, both you and LOAH have become great friends of mine. I truly value both of you in my angling world. With that being said, I'm confident this little dispute can be easily explained away and forgotten as a "bad weather misstep".
Love you guys. BG1
Trust me I don't copy and paste links. I'd rather have it on the form right away [

]There's way to make it inline with your story if you know how to do it right [laugh]
Tube dude. Ive always taken a lot of info and insight from your posts. You always let us know what water, bait, rigs were working for you, during your adventueres on the water. I respect all that you share. I think your a ( what you see is what you get) type of guy. Thanks for all the info an help you provide for myself and others on this site .
[#0000FF]Sorry if that came off too mean and snarky. It was meant just as a little dig. Like others on this board I have come to appreciate your angling skills, writing skills and photography skills. You do good work.
That's why I was slightly disappointed to see a post that only tantalized and failed to provide the meat and potatoes we have come to expect.
I respect your busy lifestyle and the commitments on your personal time. Been there, done that. And I know how it can be to have ten places for every minute and every dollar you have.
Thanks for the efforts you make to entertain and enlighten us. Sorry for the slam.
Wow they are amazing brookies, nice job!!! So approximately how far in do you have to hike with inflated flotation devices? Looks like the winter didn't hurt those fish at all, must be lots of feed to keep them going and growing. Nice report. Later J
I know all about it FFL. The problem is, my photos are hosted on photobucket. That's what I've always done and that's where I'm the most comfortable. The IMG links have changed over there, providing an extra URL link on the image.
This site won't allow me to post a link unless I pay them or something like that, I don't really know why some people can and some can't.
Ever since this change on PB's end, my images don't appear anymore because the link doesn't format and all we see is a bunch of code. The fastest solution is to find the extra link in the code and remove it.
In a post with 20+ photos, it's a bit tedious, but not the end of the world. If I can stay focused and pound it out, it doesn't take that long. If I have two kids fighting for my attention, it becomes a real task.
Uploading them directly to the site is much more work if I already have a report written. At that point, I'd have to go in and take out all the image links and then hope I could get the newly uploaded images to show up inline so the story makes sense, within a few tries.
No thanks.
It's not so bad if I just post the report somewhere else, cut/paste here, make the changes to the IMG links, then post.
It used to be easier. Oh well.
No biggie.
I'm sorry for the disappointing trend of just getting it out without the full "meat and potatoes" we would all prefer.
Much respect LOAH, I understand what you're talking about. Much easier to copy n past. It really has become a hassle to view and/or post up full trip reports with pics on BFT. Thanks for taking the time to share on your blog.
Also, much respect and thanks to y'all who post with pics attached. I can't find the patience to upload pics, but still appreciate the info. If the pics are named I will upload the ones that have appeal to me or a "catchy" tubedude title.