Treble hooks are thing of the past! 2014 circle hooks on lures is the new phase down here in the south.. where the true southern boys are at[cool]
Treble hooks? We don't do that here folks
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[url ""][#ff0000]Hyper Link[/#ff0000]Treble Hook Lure vs.Circle Hook Lure [/url]
My fishing partner went 2-0 on a jerk bait with 3 treble hooks,the circle hook lure went 2 for 2 and it only has 2 circle hooks.
Hope to see u guys fishing circle hooks on lures real soon..treble hooks is thing of the past u guys,out with the old in with the new. Its a whole new fish experience, at least try it once.[fishin]
Mmmmmmmmmmm Not to be argumentative, but I don't agree with your assessment. Circle hooks work in a much different way, which is how they primarily find the corner of the mouth in most instances. Where a treble hook is designed to be "set," it can have adverse effects with a circle hook.
I remember when I first started using circle hooks, I lost a many of fish because I was adjusting to "not" setting the hook, rather, cranking down and putting the pressure on when I knew the fish was facing away. I pulled a lot of hooks out of fishes mouths. My first application for circle hooks was offshore bottom fishing for grouper and snapper.
Consider the use of circle hooks on lures for fish with either a hard or large mouth, or both. You'd rarely ever get hooked up. In fresh water, fish like Stripped Bass, LMB, crappy, Pike, etc... Saltwater fish like mackerel, tarpon, etc...
Lures are designed to capitalize on the "strike," which is why I feel circle hooks on lures is a poor application; and treble hooks are appropriate. But, circle hooks have their place for sure. I find circle hooks to be superior in anchor and/or drift fishing situations with live bait. I use them almost exclusively for that type of fishing, both fresh and saltwater. They are excellent when fishing multiple rods that you may leave unattended.
So yes, I agree that circle hooks are great tools for the angler, but only in the right application. In my humble opinion, they have no place on a lure.
My point of view of comes from a C&R point of view.
I Personally think Treble hooks or over kill. I have fought to out law them in C&R waters as they are not forgiving at all.
I am pro CIRCLE hook all the way, however, I am not sure it can work correctly on a spoon or other lures.
Again personally, I have had no problem setting a circle hook and have not noticed loosing fish, but I don't fish salt so I have no idea what the difference (if any) might be.
I catch LM, SM, Trout and Carp all with the preferred Octopus hook which is a circle. I find minimal damage and quick release when and if needed.
I repeat, I am C&R, but I have been known to keep a few.
All very good points..It doesn't necessarily have to be circle hooks though, single hooks in general.
I've put Mosquito hooks on lures and some guys suggested even throwing on some J hooks[

I like your thinking.
![[Image: IMG_1508_zps984d7711.jpg]](
Barely hooked, but hooked non the less
![[Image: IMG_1519_zps5ddf0d7f.jpg]](
You get some interesting hook sets that's for sure..
Here's that circle hook I know you Like [cool] size 8
[inline "octopus circle size 8.JPG"]
I like Gamakatsu Octopus. Squish the barb down and still have a wicked hook
[url ""][/url]
A lot of the flies for Tenkara are tied on Octopus hooks
I smash the barb on hooks as well when the full intent is catch and release. I think that is a good practice.
When it comes to casting lures that are meant to be retrieved and sustain action, a treble hook really is a must. The chance of a fish swallowing the lure or something of that nature is almost neal since the lure is in motion, and the target fish is in pursuit. Most fish caught off a retrieved lure gets that back hook, because they short strike after that moving target. Fact is, if you get a facing strike on the retrieve and your lure has circle hooks on it, you're going to loose a lot more fish that you'll ever hook up.
Now, slower worked lures, or targeting fish with small/soft mouths, you can probably get away with a circle hook since you're not banking on that initial set, and can give the fish time to swing before you let them have the elbow grease. I would challenge ANYONE to this. Swap your trebles for circle hooks and go out and target summer time LMB or a similar species. I bet you get your feelings hurt. Part of being a great angler is using the right tools for the job. Sometimes we can substitute the terminal piece of our gear for the sake of being a responsible angler. But other times, you just have to use the right stuff that gets the job done. You can still be a responsible angler, and use treble hooks.
What i don't agree with are people that use treble hooks in a way they weren't meant to be. For instance, like bottom fishing with natural or live bait. It's just a bad idea. I've seen many fish gut hooked with a treble, both fresh and saltwater. It's a

situation. A circle hook just does it better. With a big fish you want that hook in the corner of the jaw, and nothing insures that happens like a circle hook.
I don't agree with banning all treble hooks flygoddess, but I would totally support putting guidelines on their use, Starting with banning their use for bottom fishing situations. [cool]
I don't fish your waters so I can only comment on MY use. I have pictures of spoons with treble hooks used on trout where all you see is the spoon. The treble hook is so deep, there is no return.
This is from casting out and reeling in quickly, slow whatever. Aggressive fish will hit and hit anyway they need. The fact that there is three hooks in one is a gimmie, I am sorry that is how I see it. The fish has no chance at throwing all three. People use them as a "guarantee" and that I truly believe.
Fishing is a blood sport so this will happen.
Let me stress I protest treble on C&R and specially with protected species as I believe the chances of hooking a fish safely on one of the 3 hooks is slim.(and kinda defeats the purpose or supports the single hook)
Not all waters. I understand they are better for soft bait.
I have never lost a fish from the hook and never had a problem hook setting a circle and that has been my choice for several years. I have lost fish on flies with long tails however. So on those flies, I attach a stinger using a circle hook.
No doubt. That's why it would take input from angler like you and I to find where the application makes sense and where it doesn't. I respect your stand point and why, and I especially respect you as angler; as I feel the same way. I guess my point is that we all have to be careful not to blindly lobby for updated regs that are counterintuitive to the sport itself, which is catching fish. There won't be a need for conservation if the sport dies.
You and I go way back, and we both have our own expertise. The problem is many of the feds and DNR biologists take an idea and implement sweeping bans or rules with out consulting the subject matter experts; us. They did that not long ago in regards to some of the species here in SC. The South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council was the culprit. They even admitted they used no scientific data to come to their conclusion, yet the state government jumped on the band wagon so they didn't loose federal funding. This is despite hundreds of charter captains and anglers, to include myself, protesting in Charleston, SC at the SAFMC board meeting.
My point is, it's a delicate balance. We have to support and fortify fishing as a viable means of recreation, and as anglers, we also have the duty to support and fortify the fishery itself so it can be preserved for generations to come. Go to far on one side or the other, and fishing will be a thing of the past because no one will take interest in it, that or it will become so heavily regulated that it defeats the point all together. Luckily, it's not my place to make the high level decision, but I will continue to do my best to feed my professional input to those that do.
Agree! They made the deer hunt laws here so Crazy I haven't even thought about it for a few years
One fish I caught goddess had a gill ripped off hanging out the gill plate,most likely from a treble hook! When a circle hook gets caught in the gill slit you simply wiggle and push the lure back then guide the hook back out from in between the gill slits[

Where is that petition to Ban all treble hooks [laugh]
All their good for is snagging invasive species