04-30-2014, 09:00 AM
Well after hearing all the reports on catching fish at the dam I talked my wife into trying it with me. We always go to the lake side. We bought us some big shiners and headed out about 3:00 pm. Late start I know. She started tearing them up. Catching small mouth and cats. We caught a total of 7 small mouth and a crappie and several catfish and a little spot. I lost more small mouth than I boated. I learned that it is best to net them no matter the size because when they come out of the water they shake like a mad pit bull. And out flies the hook. We only bought two dozen and were out of the in just a couple hours. So we headed down river to try for large mouth. I was throwing a shakey head and BAM I had a hoss. Got er to the boat and it was a drum. 12lb 14oz. Biggest one I've ever caught. Wished is was a bass though. emoBang .We decided we would call it a day and come back the next day. Long story short it sucked. Too windy to fish. Boated a cat and two small mouth. Will load pics later.